what is the largest uhaul trailer I can pull with my 2011 Forester Suburu?
From the Uhaul website:
"How can I determine if my vehicle can tow (or be towed) by U-Haul equipment?
During our reservation process, you will have the opportunity to input your vehicle’s information. Our system will validate whether or not the towing combination works. You may also contact our Moving Specialists for assistance at 1-800-468-4285. If you need to purchase any trailer hitch supplies, you can do so on our online store."
Their computers have your vehicle’s specs in it and will not allow you to rent a trailer that is too big for it.
Log onto their site. They have an electronic form that tells you if the selected trailer is authorized for use on your vehicle. It doesn’t matter what your manual or anyone else says, go check with the people who will be renting (or not) it to you.
What’s the towing capacity of the Forester? My research says it’s 1500lbs.
U-haul trailers start at about 700lbs. I would be surprised if U-Haul would rent you a trailer.
Mike, I plugged in the 2011 Forester, and U-Haul will rent a whole range of trailers up to 6x12 for that vehicle. Of course, it should not be loaded beyond the 1500 lb total.
much will depend on WHAT you’re hauling in that trailer !
Bread or books ?
Bags of cement or manequins ?
The overall loaded weight will matter more to your tow vehicle. STOPPING will be entirely different that pulling. Will the U-Haul have brakes ? The bigger ones do, operated by iniertia at the trailer’s tounge.
I pulled a 5x8 former eE-Z-Haul fulll of band gear. ( all the stuff you see on stage, in a bar or a wedding, for a 5 or 6 member weekend local country rock band. ) The 92 Explorer could easily pull that thing all over the four corners…but a couple of times I got in big trouble with overheated brake fade.
Wind drag is a major factor…The faster you go, the worse it is…Your temperature gauge will define your top speed…Mileage will plummet…