I joined up because I’m stumped on a repair problem. My 1996 GMC Sonoma’s turn signals don’t flash. The signal bulbs do come on when I flip the switch and I can simulate a turning signal by clicking the switch up and down (which doesn’t make me feel silly at all, btw). All six bulbs appear to be working and I can’t find any blown fuses. I have also replaced the multifunction switch (which is what two different mechanics told me needed to be done). I’m all out of ideas, and I can’t afford a diagnostic at the repair shop right now. Do you all have any suggestions?
Sometimes this happens because a bulb is burned out, but finding the burned out bulb isn’t easy if you have any two-stage bulbs. I encourage you to test every bulb that should flash by putting in a fresh bulb and seeing if it gets any better. On a car this old, that might include marker lights on the sides of your vehicles. Test each and every one.