The economics of the car-rental business

To do what? Reduce the strain’s strength? No. To build our immunity to the variant du jour? Yes. To reduce the likelihood of catching the variant, also Yes, but the current vaccine recipients were only 54% less likely to get the disease, not 100%. Does it reduce the severity IF you catch it? Yes to that, too.

Natural immunity lasts longer.

As time goes on we will build natural immunity since even the vaccinated likely will contract it and survive it.

My GP said essentially the same thing. However, she did warn me that this year’s strain of the Flu is a very nasty one, with some potentially bad effects. I got my Flu shot about 1 hour ago.

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A couple of days ago I saw someone put on a mask to get in their car and move it from one spot in their driveway to another. Now that’s being extra safe. Even the State of California’s practices aren’t that safe. I presume their concern is spreading the virus by car sharing among the family members. I see a lot of variations in Covid safety practices, some are extra cautious, some folks seem to have no concern at all, presumably believing the best course is to live their lives as if Covid didn’t exist, & the worst that will happen if they contract Covid is they’ll get some flu symptoms that will last a few days max. To each their own.

Neighbor? I imagine a lot of people mask-up when they smell your truck.

Maybe you could ask why they wear a mask, wildfires?

How?? The only possibility of transmission of any germs is if you’ve been transporting people with active Covid and even then unless the owner is scrupulous about disinfecting the car, they’ll get it on their hands and transmit it to their face when they remove the mask! If the owner is the only one whose been in it, there is no risk.

lol … if the truck has an odor, it’s not from the tailpipe. Engine purrs like a kitten. Maybe the odor is me? Now that’s possible! … lol … .

I put mask.when I go to the bank to get money. I was doing this beforecm COVID.


I’ve heard say you’ll get better results with a mask than a smile … lol …

Severe allergies are another reason for some people to be “masked”–even while in their vehicle. A friend of mine has been advised by his Allergist to wear a mask whenever he leaves his home in order to filter-out both pollen and mold spores.


I just do not understand the people who wear the mask more like a chin guard, only covering their mouth and chin. When I have mentioned it to them and asked why they do not cover their nose too, they exclaim that it is too hard to breath.

I told them (not anymore, they do not want to hear it…) that the spread of COVID-19 occurs via airborne particles and droplets. If someone else has it, they will pick it up by breathing in all that stuff and having the mask only over their mouth probably helps to prevent them spreading it if they cough… (or unless they are mouth-breathers…).


Here comes the hate mail, but when Humana wanted to send out a Dr to check out mom I was all for it until they said everyone was required to wear a mask, I immediately told her to cancel the appt that I am not wearing a mask in my own house, she quickly changed her tone and said well, is it ok if the Dr wears one, and that it is up to the Dr if they chose to come out and or wear a mask or not, I said lady I don’t care if the Dr wears a hazmat suit…

The Dr showed up wearing a mask, but said it was for something else, he said it, I forgot what is was, but he said it was nothing to do with Covid…

If you need or require a mask, I have no issue with it and greatly respect your reason(s)…
As a fulltime care taker of my mom, (and dad before he passed) for a few years, I understand fully about weakened immune systems… Yes, both parents are/were cancer survivors and dad had congestive heart failure…Wifey also has COPD and congestive heart failure… I will just leave it at that…

Hospitals and medical clinics have engaged in infection control long before Covid.

Influenza has been around probably from the time Homo sapiens became the dominant species. Yet we still get a new vaccine each year.

I think what you really mean is medical science, which continues to evolve, does not agree with your preconceived notions, nor with the opinions of people that have no training/education in biological sciences.


And unfortunately, it can easily morph to a more serious strain. The Vaccines help (no matter what variant it is) from getting the worse of Covid (hospitalization and/or death).

And where did you get your medical degree specializing in immunology? Viruses mutate all the time. It’s part of their evolution. We’ve known this for decades. Many viruses were only in other primates and not harmful to humans, but later mutated to a variant that IS harmful/fatal to humans.

And there was a natural immunity to the Plague. The problem is the death rate to get to there. Same with smallpox. There are certain people immune to smallpox. But vaccines have proven time and time again to better then killing off MILLIONS for natural immunity to build up.


One of my dogs had an autoimmune disorder, so we took him to a highly-rated Veterinary Specialist. This Vet was of the caliber that the famed Bronx Zoo asked him for his help with some of their animals.

If the animal in question was a monkey/Chimp/ape, he would consult with the zoo’s vets–from afar. He said that he would not come into contact with a sick monkey/Chimp/ape for fear of bringing an infectious disease home to his children.

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I do that sometimes. If the situation isn’t likely to be a respiratory infection hazard, outdoors with no one near, I’ll move my mask on the chin. . Then if the situation changes, I need to go inside etc, it is easy to pop the mask back on. .

When this whole thing started I was at the hardware store and a guy walked in with a paint
Respirator on. To each his own. Life is dangerous.

Given what we knew then, that was a great idea.


I bought N95 paint masks at first but they had an exhaust flap that was inadequate protection for people around me. I got called on it boarding an airplane. I went back to Home Depot and found N95 masks without the breathing port. At the start of COVID-19 I could always find N95 masks there and never in pharmacies.


You were lucky. I had some N-95 masks at the start of Covid. Tried to buy more early on, but even Home Depot and Lowes was out.

I can get all i want from Amazon.