The dumbing down of America

circuitsmith, I’d have a DNA test if I were you, just to be on the safe side ,if you decide to have kids

Thanks, my HTML skills are borderline pathetic.

For crying out loud turak2. Who pi**ed in your Post Toasties? You obviously don’t know the show, how the show is marketed, what audience is the target, how to get along with others.

Why are you in amazement that a woman in Canada hosts a car show? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Please don’t be so bitter, you really need a hobby.

I find it highly ironic that a post with this content and this title is posted on a forum that, if the OP were as knowledgable as he/she lambasts others for not being, he/she would know is never visited by Tom & Ray.

Worded differently, the OP has sent a post about how dumb the brothers are to a thread that knowledgable people know the brothers never visit. Does anyone else see a paradox, or have I lost touch with reality?

I have no direct knowledge that neither of the brothers never log in and give the posts a read.

“Worded differently, the OP has sent a post about how dumb the brothers are to a thread that knowledgable people know the brothers never visit. Does anyone else see a paradox, or have I lost touch with reality?”

Maybe either Tom or Ray did the original post under a different name just to get us all riled up and fighting each other.

Even if I were his stepson I’d be even more deeply disturbed than I am now. ;p

As oldschool pointed out, these mechanics are brilliant. I have a 1 -900 advice #, but I am no where close to shutting my toolbox for good. No one can totally diagnose or fix a car without putting their eyes and hands on it.

Car owners never give a mechanic the ‘whole story’ into why the car broke down. Sure, cars do fail, but a large percentage is driver induced problems."I put motor oil in the brake master cylinder’ is never disclosed to the mechanic or service advisor

If I could do what Tom and Ray are doing without drawing blood everyday, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Hasn’t anyone else noticed that the OP has not reappeared in this thread for 2 days?
I guess that his Prozac dosage finally kicked in.

Well I got Durak was from Canada and seemed to love to bash americans but as stated previously this is a worldwide show, so dumb down the rest of the world instead if stabbing knives in the dark at us citizens. Sure he his bitter and angry about something, that is his right but do not cast dispersions that cannot be authenticated.

boy are you angry. and slow. everybody knows all broadcasts except your local public access broadcast of the 4th grade band is pre-screened.

another sign of the ‘dumbing down’ is mispelling/misusing words like ‘too’ when you mean ‘to’

Yes, well…that what happens when the ice cream truck drives by. By now he is in the sand box telling the other kids all the toys are his.

"So it is perfectly all right to invite thousands of people with actual mechanical car repair problems to phone in to this show, and then never let them on the air?"
Umm, yes. They have time for like 5 or 10 calls a show, I think it’s obvious to everybody involved (except maybe you) that the majority of people calling in will not get on the air. I enjoy cartalk, it is entertaining; if you don’t you should simply not listen to it.

You know what I think is a sure sign of the ?dumbing down of America?? The inability of people to use punctuation correctly. Take colon use: for example. Does anyone really know where they go anymore: or do people just put them wherever they want? It?s a serious question: and it deserves an answer. Are they a proper substitute for a comma: or are they used for something else entirely.

It is: in my opinion: a subject in need of further consideration.

Not fer nothin’…I suspect turak2 is still upset about that house being dropped on his sister.

You sound like you’ve failed to get on the show. That shows a lack of radio skills. You need an interesting and ambiguously spelled name, claim to be from some place interesting or Boston/Cambridge, or sound like a hot woman. You’ve got to have a compelling backstory. It’s really very simple. I really only listen for the puzzler and I’m often disappointed in that.

Guess what? You are NEVER allowed on the air. All the calls are taped, edited, and some calls that are taped and edited are never used. They tape the show on Wednesday.

google the belcher to learn how it’s done.

Unfortunately the healthcare bill passed. Where will you Canadians go now?

Goodness gracious. Have you issues?

Why are you, turak2, such an enormous Nellie? Get over yourself.