Yes, I have. I like it too, except for the gratuitous cursing. According to the info on the web site, it is the largest restoration shop in the US. I’m sure it was like that before the show started, and was probably what attracted Velocity to them. I like that they provide realistic time frames and costs for their restoarations. They don’t provide a final cost, but give the cost of parts/materials and hours expended, it’s not hard to scope out the final cost. Norfolk isn’t an expensive place to operate, so the labor costs probably apply to a lot of places in the US. I also try to figure out where in town they are when on test drives. My BIL lives nearby, and I’ve been in Norfolk a few times.
I read an interview with Dan Short. He said that he dropped the show because it cost him employees and money. The employees got tired of multiple takes when all they wanted to do was get the job done. Lots of extra hours without the benefit. He said that he and Mrs Short were out about a million when they decided to quit. Since the shop has plenty of work, the show wasn’t really generating revenue.
Agree, and wash my mouth with soap but I’d upgrade everything mechanical. New engine, transmission, brakes, starter, etc. Otherwise, the car would only be useful for July 4th parades.
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