The club lock and steering wheel cover

many car thieves do NOT break into the car…they take the whole car !

Posing as towing or repo guys they are heavily armed with all the convincing hardware that will fool all your neighbors and bystanders AND even you !
Paperwork and forms and a professional towing rig have fooled many owners that thought there may just be some clerical error at the bank that would trigger a repo so they thought they could just clear it up tomorrow at the bank…only to find…!

If they want it bad enough …they’ll take it.

if they can’t take it…they’ll vandalize it just for spite.

Just have good insurance and accurate records.

Many thieves are far from being geniuses. Years ago they smashed the drivers window of his old 1984 Honda Accord 4 door with a brick to steal his $5 stereo. All 4 doors were unlocked!

And now he’s a successful alderman!!! On his way up the ladder to the Senate!!!


just have a junker vehicle to push it out of the way to chop it up