Tariffs and cars

To all worry warts: Like I said, sit back and enjoy the ride. Agreement has been reached and tariffs will not be implemented and Mexico agreed to take more aggressive measures against illegals heading north. Still you don’t bluff. You don’t threaten with measures you will not take.

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One way to measure the standard of living to to measure the amount of goods a dollar will buy.

That is true, but the real wages, adjusted for inflation haved declined in the last 50 years for blue collar and service workers. Ever cheaper electronics have masked the inflation of things people need, have you priced nails, lumber, roofing, cars, medicine, health insurance, hospital and doctor bills.

I bought a new VW Bus in 1971 for $3020 today that is a $30000dollar vehicle. My wages as a city driver were about $12 an hour, in addition I had health insurance that paid EVERYTHING with no deductibles, co-pays, or referrals plus vision and dental coverage. Add a great pension I paid not a cent for. Truck drivers today make a little over twice as much and have lost 87 1/2% of their pension earnings and have lousy health insurance.

I made an error by not looking up the rate of rise before I wrote the reply. It seems to me the real issue is bullying our friends, like Mexico, to make it appear that Mr. Trump is saving us from them. That isn’t the case. He used the threat of tariffs to force Mexico into addressing the immigration crisis that he alone created. President Trump’s tirades about illegal immigration when it was at a low rate created fear among those in places like El Salvador where gang violence makes a peaceful life almost impossible. Then smugglers created ads telling people thinking about moving to the US that now is their last chance before the border is closed with a big new wall and thousands of new border patrol agents. While this went on, he cut $450 million in aid to Central American countries, making it even harder for them to fight gang violence. What a great problem he created, and now he is going to save us from his poor decisions.


Oh wow. Drinking the cherry Kool-Aide? Not to continue this but there is substantial evidence suggesting outside money paying for and promoting the caravans. I wonder who could be behind that? And our Mexican friends providing transportation through Mexico? With friends like that . . . There has also been some suggestion that the cartels have been throwing some money at the politicians in DC causing a reversal in their positions over the past ten years.

But whatever you believe the cause is, you simply cannot have thousands of people illegally crossing the boarder bringing drugs and diseases and social ills with them. Not to mention the entrants from the Ebola stricken Congo recently. It simply is not acceptable and needs to be stopped one way or another. The US cannot contain the world populations of disadvantaged from a practical stand point. Rome burns while the Congress does nothing but look for ways to reverse an election.


“The Tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the U.S. on Monday, against Mexico, are hereby indefinitely suspended,” the president tweeted. “Mexico, in turn, has agreed to take strong measures to stem the tide of Migration through Mexico, and to our Southern Border.”

Wanna glass of Kool-Aid?

The people stuck at the border are families fleeing gang violence in Central America. That’s why the HSA has so much trouble dealing with it. If it was all young men, that wouldn’t be nearly the problem that it is. Drugs? Disease? Social ills? We’re talking about parents, children, and grandparents that are so scared of life at home that they are willing to spend a lot of money to be smuggled into the USA. My grandfather came here from Europe in 1900 under similar circumstances. Stay at home and die or move 5000 miles to a place where you don’t speak the language and know no one. Desperate people do desperate things.

Want another glass?

Cartels? What cartels? If you mean foreign governments, like Ukraine, the I agree with you. After all, Paul Manafort went to jail for his work with Ukraine. Remember Manafort, the chairman of Trump’s election committee?

Have you had enough Kool-aid yet? When you talk cars, I’m happy to see your posts. We both love Rivieras, and that’s a good thing. Your misinformation on tariffs and President Trump’s use of them is not as welcome. Still, it offers an opportunity to share real facts and not the alternative facts that you want to believe in.