Tailgated/Highbeamed for going 52mph in 55 zone on Wilbur Cross Parkway CT

Just slap you about 5 various Second Amendment Rights stickers on the back of your car and the aggressive tailgating will probably stop… :rofl:

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Huh and I thought i was the only one that liked a car or truck ahead of me to block the deer.

To steal from another discussion, folks driving too slow would be suspected of being under the influence.

Many years ago, there was a joke about a driver who was high on marijuana, and was stopped by a cop. He asked the officer how fast he was going, and the cop replied… 15 mph. :laughing:

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No, those are posted representations of the law!

I’m only trying to be the change I want to see in this world.

Yes, Rte 15 in CT, The Merritt and Wilbur Cross Parkways, are four-lane(two each direction).

I used to be a speed limit plus 5mph type driver, but changed my act as traffic volume increased, and I found myself using my brakes too often.

Purchase a vehicle with Adaptive Cruise Control - problem solved and your brakes will last longer. Of course going with the flow of traffic instead of trying to change people makes tto much sense for you .

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Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it’s evolution
Well, you know
We all wanna change the world

You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We’d all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We all doing what we can🎵

Oh gee, now another tune will be going on inside my head. But as my wife said as least it is something going on inside there.


That is your preference. Road safety experts have clearly stated that drivers who impede the flow of normal traffic create the greatest road hazards. You are within your rights to drive within the law, but you should know that while it is legally correct, it is also very dangerous.

At the end of the day the goal is to arrive safely at your destination. If driving five to ten over the speed limit (on a highway) will help me achieve that goal, then that is preferable to other options, in my personal opinion (which nobody has to agree with).


So how do we change, in drivers minds in this country, that one “must drive at least at the speed limit”, or between 5-10mph over it? (35 on a 25mph posted, residential, 65 on a 55mph parkway, or 80-90 on a 65mph posted interstate).

Lest they be seen as somehow inferior.

Don’t misquote me here. While I will move with traffic on the highway at 5 to 10 over the limit, I do NOT speed in residential areas, especially where speed limits are between 25 and 35 mph. I find that “the flow of traffic” is typically reasonably close to the speed limit in town, except for a handful of careless speeders.

The feeling of inferiority is a “you” problem, not a “them” problem. I never feel inferior whether I am going the speed limit or exceeding it. If people want to be speedy, I don’t feel judged when I get out of the way so they can proceed. Driving is NOT a popularity contest (except for track racing). Just do your thing and let speedy drivers by. When on the highway, blend with traffic where possible. Obviously if traffic is going 20 to 30 over the limit, I am not keeping up with them. They might be able to afford the speeding tickets and increased insurance, but I can’t. :grinning:


+1 to @bloody_knuckles!

In residential areas, I stick to the speed limit, or I might exceed the limit by a couple of mph. If it’s a fairly long stretch of roadway with a 25 or 30 mph limit, I usually use the Cruise Control in order to stay w/in that limit.

On highways, I at least keep-up with the prevailing speed of traffic, and that usually means driving 5-10 mph over the limit. Driving below the prevailing traffic speed means that one has become an impediment to traffic flow, and it also puts one at greater risk of being rear-ended. Driving at extremely high speeds also puts everyone at risk, and I’m not about to do that.

Driving the speed-limit when everyone else is driving 5-10mph OVER the speed limit is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS to you and everyone else on the road. If you can’t drive with the flow of traffic, then drive when traffic is light so you don’t kill someone.

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I’ve often said that here we don’t have speed limits, but speed goals. Go that fast if you can.


If you visit the Southwest, take extra care: the school buses and garbage trucks don’t exceed the speed limit.

Sounds annoying to be flashed on 4 lane road. Where jethro can go around you…

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Not everyone sees a slow moving vehicle in time. Zipping along a ten over and bam didn’t see you in time. The flashing lights might be irritating but maybe they were trying to warn you that not everyone pays equal attention. One morning I was doing 70 but a guy was coming up behind me fast. I was ready to move out of his way when he woke up with a surprised look on his face and hit the brake.

He was just riding my butt for 10 minutes so, and flicked me about four or five times in that period.

After getting tired of my highbeaming every speed limit sign, he passed me.

Back in the day, I had my share of sitting in traffic court and hearing what the Judges had to say about speeding and one was know the road(s) you are driving/speeding on In residential areas, know if that stretch of road has kids playing on it at that time a day, know if people are out power walking, jogging whatever, are the kids in school etc etc etc… Also know if any deer crossings… We have a lot of country 30-35MPH roads that have NO shoulders so no walking on them or so everybody speeds a little, but the same stretch of road goes through a neighborhood and park, everyone slows down to the posted… One road is way out in the country, no traffic most of the day, but and everyone fly’s down it, but it also has 3 schools at one end and traffic is stop and go at that time, so you have to know the roads… If I know kids are on the road I drive slower than the limit, kids can run out in front of you at the blink of an eye… But as the population grows and the roads don’t, it is getting harder and harder to speed anyway…

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Yeah we have one school where they just posted 20 mph school zone limits. The problem is that then they allow parking on both sides of the road. Ever watched ankle biters run out between cars to their waiting parent across the street? Stupid.