T-Signal and then brake/brake lights? Or... Brake/brake lights and then T-Signal?

Most people here in NH and MA put the signal on AS THEY’RE TURNING…If they even put the signal on at all.

There are a couple of intersections that I drive through periodically and you sit and wait at a stop sign for the traffic to clear. Most of the cars coming from the left are taking a right-hand-turn at the intersection we’re waiting at…and MOST don’t use a signal. Many times I’ve could have gone 5-10 cars sooner, but because they didn’t use their signal I had to wait.

I wish there were some way I could tell the morons who signal halfway into their turn. “Don’t bother. I already know”. The non signaling right turners are totally inconsiderate of others which seems to be reaching and epidemic level.

To continue this silly discussion, I’m more concerned about people making “farmer turns” than lack of a turn signal. You know, if they are making a right turn, they’ll turn to the left first to make a wider turn like they would do if pulling a trailer. Very dangerous actually.

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I guess there is more profit in speeding tickets.