Stick with 2001 Camry with 168K, or invest in abused 2019 Outback with 6.5K?

Actually its not that simple. And driver skill is a real thing. That’s why older folks have lower insurance rates than young folks and its why you arn’t a Nascar driver.

And, its also why CDL drivers have CDL licenses. There’s a skill gap.

So, if you don’t have insurance, you better make sure you are a good driver. And if you’re a bad to average driver, then insurance is for you.

Driver skill has nothing to do with needing to have insurance. Good drivers need it just as much. It is that simple.

That’s in the case if someone hits them, not them hitting someone. But again, risk tolerance depends on the person.

You can’t be a good driver and hit someone. Otherwise it’s contradictory.

Someone runs a red light and you hit them. That makes you a bad driver?

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Kudos to texases for pointing-out just one of the fatal flaws in that other person’s thinking.

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Oh you have so much yet to learn in life young grasshopper…

Ever heard of mechanical failure??? lol… Crap happens, no one goes out and says, well I think today is the day I want to have an accident, if so then they would be called on purposes …


Insurance approved the claim. Haven’t decided on the final action yet but more inclined to sell the Subaru if I have to decide right now. The longer we keep it, the longer my brother can continue his reign of destruction. But the matter requires further research to determine the mechanical condition of the car.

I knew the 2001 Camry is super reliable, but I would have assumed that the 2019 Subaru would win in terms of reliability just because it’s so much newer. Am I in error though?

Yes. I’ve had this scenario where I saved a family tens of thousands by swerving them when they ran a red light.

If someone runs a red light, its more likely they’ll hit you.

Never had a mechanical failure in my 15 years of driving. I had a tire blow out but that was my fault for not repairing it properly.

Again, one needs to access their driving skills truly. Some people need a helmet to drive a bike. Some don’t and are perfectly safe doing so.

Thanks for proving that you have no grasp of the risks of driving or riding.


Remove the battery, or remove a few fuses or the main fuse… Why does he even have access to the keys to any car in the family?? You can keep him from driving it even if you have to put it up on jackstands and remove the wheels… At least it would slow him down… lol

Install a hidden kill switch or something…

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If the brother can still drive the car it needs to be sold ASAP. Your family’s financial health and the safety of others is at stake.

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I used to read Bicycling magazine. They always said that when riding on public streets, it’s not a question of if you get hit but when. They insisted that everyone should wear an approved helmet.

Its understandable to make safety run across the board but it depends on the subject matter also.

Making everyone wear helmets because you can’t ride safely doesn’t work.

It doesn’t work that way.

There’s different skill levels.

Why isn’t there a law that requires everyone to wear diapers if babies pee and poo their pants?

The risk is there when you bike but there’s certain things you can do to minimize it greatly.

You have now entered the troll zone. Folks that follow your advice risk death and/or financial ruin. I’m done.


Don’t agree with = troll.

You’ve been on a forum platform long enough to understand its a place of discussion.

Your advice will get people killed.

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I was never giving out advice.

People can read and do what they want.

Yes it does.

Rider skill isn’t important if the driver approaching from behind is inattentive and hits them.

Now there’s a profound comment. :smirk::person_facepalming:t3: