State Farm beacon

When I was growing up I remember one of my relatives being exicited about moving the hand pump from the well outside to the kitchen counter. I also remember not having dial telephones, you just picked up the phone and the nice operator asked “number please”. She could save you some time too, sometimes she would tell you " no sense calling her, she went berry picking and won’t be home till supper. We had mail delivery twice every day and 3 times on Sat. You could invite someone to dinner that day and you could let them know before the meal.

I’m not against technology at all. It has been the great leveler. The internet has taken the power of exchanging news or ideas from the few privileged to anyone with a computer. So the truth eventually emerges. However it has also wrought security cameras on every corner, every business, and everyone with a smart phone. So we do need to deal with the whole privacy issue somehow.

Now back to the old days. We had a party line and often thought that phone conversations were being listened to. Then the insurance man stopping by every month to collect the premium, and of course the doctor driving over to make a house call. I think the bill was $2. And the first checking account instead of the envelopes with cash in. The huge family garden with peas, onions, carrots, corn, etc. that I had to weed and water. Then our first power mower used for $10 instead of pushing that old reel mower. I could actually do it. And pop guns and BB guns. We used to throw dirt balls at each other calling them grenades. Back to cars, a school friend’s folks bought a new 59 green Chevy wagon and the payments were $69. I couldn’t see how it would be possible to make payments that high. White walls. I always wanted white walls but it would be a while before we spent the extra $2 each for them.

People embrace what they’re comfortable with. Unless you’re in the tech field…the vast majority of people over 50 do NOT want to embrace many of the new technologies. They are either afraid or just comfortable the way things are. How many people did you know that had a blinking time on their VCR? I knew a few. People loved the idea of watching movies at home, but were utterly afraid of the technology…All they wanted to do was watch a movie.

The younger you are the more apt you are to embrace newer technology. Fact of life.

Most people my kids age can’t wait for driverless cars so they don’t have to drive anymore. Most people my age or older want to continue driving their own car (myself included).

at only 35mph you would be traveling over a mile in 135 seconds…distracted

I find that hard to believe too. I always question now statistics without knowing how they were derived and what the range of events were. How would you calculate the number of seconds of inattention? Observation, skid marks, black box, how? I’m becoming more skeptical the more I see.

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"Does this bother anyone ?

< On drives that involved a crash, the average duration of distraction was 135 seconds

That’s over 2 minutes." !!

Yes. Nonsensical made up statistics bother me.

In the early 1980s at the age of late 20s I would have several deliveries on the Oregon State University campus. That was distracted driving!!! Especially if the weather was warm. Wink! Wink!


I bought a used car with a State Farm bluetooth beacon attached to the windshield. Any ideas as to how to remove it? It seems pretty secure.

I was offered this from my State Farm agent years ago. And from my understanding it just plugged into the OBD-II connector port.

I think he’s talking about how to get the unit off the windshield.

Fishing line pulled tight and sawed through the sticky part usually works. Then use something like Goo Gone to get rid of the remaining glue.

80% of statistics are real. The other 70% are made up.

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Who knew? The “actor” that plays Jake from State Farm in the commercial is actually Jake from State Farm.

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4/23/18 We just got our new State Farm renew coverage cards. Started last Sept. On papers included with cards has list discounts but does not say exact for this devise. Just a total of 6 items. Have had tech issues, they actually called me earlier in month as mileage not adding up. Concluded sometimes forget my phone. We only use our vehicles little runs to corner store, pharmacy, grocery, etc. My husband has work provided truck. So it was all reset the 4th. I look report till today, has not been recording since 12th. Call tech help. They say need turn off my battery saver…Never told this befor? Not sure this will be ok on husbands phone as his is heavy usage, job related. So over all not real happy with this gadget at this time. Plan call agent to verified if got any discount on this State Farm beacon devise and how much.

That is how car insurance should never be provided or purchased. Unbelievable!

Yes, we have used the beacon on both cars since it first became available. The beacon does not interconnect with the car’s electrical system and only connects with the smartphone to the best of my knowledge. It does not plug in or connect to the car in any fashion and only connects to my iPhone which forwards the needed information to “Drive Safe and Save.” The trip results are available almost instantly and provides the desired information. It appears between the two cars we are saving around $160 off our premiums.

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It doesn’t need a phone or plan. It has its own connection to the cellular network.

How does your phone know if you are driving your car or riding in another persons car?

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I stand with my comment back in 2017. Too intrusive. We should not so easily give up our privacy for the bribe of a few dollars. I remember having an interview with a couple attorneys. When we started talking about what I needed for money, they looked at each other and told that old joke about how much money it would take to be a prostitute. Luckily I never had the pleasure of working for them, but some things should just not be sold out for money-at any price.

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Your phone must be paired with a specific beacon and that beacon stays in one car only. If you are in a different car the beacon is not there so there is no data transmitted.

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I have had State Farm for decades. I will never submit to this Orwellian BS to save a very few dollars. Of course it will eventually be required to avoid policy cancellation. Our ‘Land of the Free-Home of the Brave’ days are numbered!

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Yes Big Brother is watching. I read recently that Google tracks your location even when the Maps app is off. I have also noticed that Maps is telling me through my smartwatch how long it takes to go home after work with no prompting. It also knows we go to see my wife’s father on Sunday afternoon and announces how long it takes to get there. The app is not on. Must be a public service announcement. Eerie, isn’t it?

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