Speed and gas mileage

Same could be said for being barely over the legal limit of alcohol while driving. If there was no accident, was someone injured? There’s a possibility of injuring someone, of course, and a law broken. Pretty similar to speeding.

Besides, if you shoot someone or commit fraud, they’re going to do more than pull your license :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

In all seriousness, I think the speeding issue could be somewhat resolved (around here anyway) with more law enforcement presence on I 22. I’m what would be considered “middle class”, I suppose. A ticket or two would be costly enough already to make me change my ways if I was a “speeder”. I do go over the limit slightly, but I’m not the fastest on the road or the slowest. Sure, the penalty is relatively less for more wealthy folks and relatively more for lower income folks, but that can really be said for just about anything money can buy. A transmission crapping out would be pretty easily paid for by me, although severely annoying. The same thing might plunge a poor person into debt and might only make a wealthy person decide to go ahead and buy a new car!

I dunno. If you get hit head on by a drunk driver, I think it might be little consolation that they were in an econobox rather than a land yacht. Best to just get the repeat offenders off the road either way. I think it would be nice if they had a clause where you were at least allowed to drive to work and back for first offenders, though. That would be simpler if everyone worked during the day, though.

A $10 speeding ticket would encourage people to speed for sport. The fine must be at least $200 to account for the officer’s time and court expenses.

The demerit system should address the problem of repeat offenders, 12 points within one year results in a license suspension. Locally, the system has moved in favor of the speeder, attend driving school for two hours and the offence is reduced to a parking ticket, small fine, no points and a clean record. Second offence in two years; 4 hours of driver training. Third offence; 8 hours of training.

A restricted drivers license is not unusual, for example only operating during the hours of 7 AM to 6 PM. I would be surprised if this was not common throughout the states.

But let’s don’t forget about our awed legal system. It’s fine and dandy to have suitable consequences to fit the need to try and change a person’s behavior, but I don’t think our government has any capabilities at any level to judge correctly and not harm more people than help. I am definitely not anti law enforcement, but the system is definitely flawed.

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Folks who prefer high fines, and the same amount for everybody cited irrespective of income, move to California, esp the San Jose area. That’s exactly how it is here. 42 in a 35 yields a $500 fine, or more. I’m not talking about repeat offenses. That’s for a first time offense. I think if you appeared in court and pleaded poverty you might get a $50-$75 discount.

If you simply couldn’t pay anything, the judge would probably hand you over to the folks who manage the highway cleanup crews. Years ago after I got a ticket I looked into this program, thought it might be fun to spend a few days outdoors cleaning the roadways. Save some money, chance to share some jokes, and it’s a good cause. I happened upon a crew of these folks, raking leaves, asking how they liked the program. All were reluctant to talk. Then the enforcement guy comes over to see why I’m talking to the crew, I explain I’m interesting in doing that instead of paying the ticket. He says (loudly so the others could hear): “If the judge puts you here, remember, I own your a**!” Decided to defer on this idea. … lol …

I am unfortunately convinced that most people are not that bright. I don’t want come across as smug but what other conclusion can one come to when people fly by you just to slam on their brakes at the next light. Then, they take off as fast as their car can accelerate and of course run into the next red light and have to slam on their brakes to stop in time. Not only are they burning excess fuel, but wrecking their brakes and wearing everything else out that much faster.


And contributing to messed up traffic it becomes difficult to change lanes and maintain a steady flow of traffic when people drive like that.

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I’ll say this: up until recently when I drove to the casino I’d set the cruise control at 70 and still get passed by a lot of cars. The computer in my car (2015 Jeep Cherokee, 3.2L V6) indicated I was getting about 24 mpg. I started setting my cruise control at 65, the computer indicated I was getting about 27 mpg. Noticeable difference for 5 mph change. At a steady 55 it indicated I was getting about 31 mpg. I have a 9 speed transmission in my Jeep so I would argue that there is an environmental and economic benefit to be obtained by maintaining a 55 mph speed limit (not that anyone - myself included - would pay attention to it).

As for the comment regarding speeders paying attention, I will say this. Where I drive, they may pay attention but they tend to weave in and out of traffic and tailgate extremely dangerously (to the point where when I am passing another vehicle I can’t even see the lower quarter of their windshield in my rear view mirror). Some of their speeds are in excess of 90 mph as well. And I haven’t seen an recent information but years ago a highway patrol officer told me that speed in and of itself doesn’t necessarily cause accidents, it’s speed differential that does.

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A few days ago, I had an appointment with one of my doctors, and her Covid-related policy is that all patients must phone-in upon arrival and then wait in their car until a staff member can come outside to take their temperature and escort the patient inside.

Anyway… it was a beautiful day (temp ~77 degrees, low humidity, slight breeze), so I turned off my engine, locked the car, and leaned on the side my car for the 10-15 minutes that it took for someone to come out to take my temp and escort me inside. However, I was the only person who did that. Everyone else remained in his/her car–with the windows up, the engine idling, and (presumably) the A/C running.

I hope that none of those folks complained about how much gas they used that day because they surely wasted a whole lot of gas.

It could be a few things:

  1. Inattentive driving: they aren’t paying attention to the traffic in the next lane over and get stuck before they can pass the car in front without smacking the car next to them.
  2. Poor judgement: they thought that at they could pass, but got stuck anyway.
  3. Poor assumptions: they assumed that the car in the next lane over would slow down and let them pass. I might do that if the fool next to me is expecting aggressive.
  4. They are stupid: you might put any or all of the first three in this category.

Yeah, we tried that. It created a significant disrespect for law enforcement, an industry to make radar detectors and it was widely violated so it created a huge speed differential between law abiders and law breakers. The differential speed on highways is a significant creator of crashes.

Just like folks had good intentions with Prohibition, and it ended up establishing organized crime in America.

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Come to Boston on I-93 or I-95 and try that stunt. Let me know when you get out of the hospital because you were run off the road by one of your fellow drivers. Driving 55 in many areas in this country will get you killed. And unfortunately it’ll probably cause other people to get hurt or killed too.

My mistake. I had no idea Columbus Day was a three day holiday there. We left Boston probably about 5:00 on Friday night before Columbus Day heading west. I don’t think we got over 30 mph for at least 100 miles. It was absolutely bumper to bumper. Sometime after dark, I stopped for coffee and asked what is going on with the traffic and she said it’s a holiday and everyone is leaving town. Seriously it was well after 11:00 before things thinned out and could find a place to stay. Around here, Columbus Day is just a day you don’t get mail and the banks are closed. I had no idea. But yeah you wouldn’t want to be the one holding that traffic up even for an instant.

I can end all this hullabaloo right now. You’ll never burn another ounce of fuel (gas or diesel), you will not waste one single kilowatt, and you’ll not add an ounce to the carbon foot print if you will all just follow my instructions…

Buy an EV, any make or model will do, and move to California.

Rolling Blackouts in California Have Power Experts Stumped

As for me, I’s staying in Virginia with gas averaging $4.45… And those who have an EV can still charge the battery…

A portion of the electricity in California is generated from fossil fuels. Rolling blackouts only mean you need to recharge on a different day of the week. If gas stations are closed on Thursdays, does that mean I can’t drive to work during the week?

I’m sorry, I left out the finale… LoL… It was a joke…

It was meant as humor but there are many who fear if their phone or flashlight are not plugged in 24/7 they won’t be prepared for a day without power. The same fear is with automobiles.

Me, I use the bathroom prior to any drive. Doesn’t take much for a 15 minute drive to turn into a two hour ordeal.

Many years ago, a supposedly-small snowstorm turned into a blizzard on my way home from work, and my normal 25-30 minute commute turned into a 2.5 hour nightmare of impassable roads and almost endless detours. After that experience, I learned that I should go to the john before leaving work.