Some segments won't play

I can’t get segments 5, 8, or 10 to play. The window loads, but nothing ever loads. Anyone else have this problem?

I’m having the same problem

They are lazy about getting the feeds up as well as updating the Puzzler on schedule. This is Situation Normal.

Ive had the same problem. Some wont play and others i just get a partial program

The show actually goes up automatically on Saturday, but we had server permission problems this week that prevented it from automatically flipping. Sorry about that! It was fixed early on Monday.

No, it wasn’t fixed. Segments 5,8 & 10 still won’t play.

Correct. @dmayer I posted this mon. evening.

Hmm. Interesting. Will forward to our tech folks. We had it up and working, but the same bug is back. Please hang in there. Thanks.

Just a quick follow-up. We’ve tracked the issue down to a logic problem that cropped up, between two third-parties vendors we use to serve the audio online. It might take some time for them to address it. In the mean time, you can always hear the show via the free podcast, if you’re desperate for those three segments of our lousy little show. My apologies.

No, the show doesn’t go up automatically on Saturday. Additionally the Puzzler is not posted when the website promises. This has been going on for years.

Well it finally worked this evening… Thanks for following up.

This would be the first time I’ve had a problem with it; so I don’t know if it’s a recurring problem like Whitie suggests.