THIRD HORN in the Letsuck!!!
Sounds near the top of the firewall driverside.
(Hidden in case criminals disconnecthe front horns?)
When key fob panic button is depressed, the firewalhorn sounds along withe two vehicle horns in front of the radiator.
I was mistaking the firewalhorn for the low horn.
Low horn is not sounding.
Tapping it, s.andried mud has come out of it.
Low horn $110 at Letsuck dealership.
(Shall tryvashing outhe road grime with dish soap and water.)
Original post:
Lexus Rx350.
Sunday emergencyehicle check.
Used the key fob “panic” button to discover whichorn isilent.
Bothornsound along witheadlights flashing.
Where is the horn relay?
Any ideas?
Thank you.