Smart Car

But, according to that article, the Spark has 15 inch dubs, yo.

Maybe we’ve been spoiled all these years with larger cars for us to dislike these micro cars so much, I dunno. But there’s something to be said about a vehicle that costs less than $10k brand new

I’d like them better if they cost that little, but the Smart runs over 12k, and that’s the stripped base model. More competitively equipped it is at least 15k, no less than many larger, nicer cars. I live in San Francisco, where Smarts aren’t rare. On most blocks there are one or two parking spaces not long enough for anything else. If I had to park on the street and used my car almost entirely for city driving, a Smart would work.

Having test driven a Mini, i put it in the same class as other very overpriced minicars.

Minicars have the potential to be the modern day Beetles, but the prices are hollding them back. Few are willing to pay premium money for lesser vehicles. The thing that made people willing and wanting to buy the old VW Beetles was the cheap price and low costs of ownership.