Should my mom and step dad borrow my new car?

Sincere thanks for the update. We rarely hear what happened with these threads.

Lend them the car for the year and don’t worry about it. A car seems like a big thing and a year seesm like a long time when you’re young, but as the years pass you’lll realize that neither is really what it seemed. A year will seem short, a car will seem far less important. But your parents will grow with importance until that inevitable day comes when you no longer have them. Then the memories of what they sacrificed for you, and the memories of having made a small sacrifice for them, will be the most important things you have.

You’ll often hear people say “I wish I’d done more for my mom (or dad) when she/he was alive”. You’ll NEVER hear anyone say “I wish I’d done less for my mom/dad when she/he was alive”.

If you loan them the car, there are no issues like stabilizing the gasoline or flat spots on the tires (just to name 2 of several issues). It is highly unlikely that there will be any accidents. Who will pay for the insurance while you are gone? They didn’t pay for college, why should you subsidize their use of your car? (just to be mercenary for a moment) I don’t know your family and can’t offer any meaningful advice, except to do what is fair for you and them. It’s your decision. We’re all looking at the issue from 30,000 feet.