Should Congress add funding to Cash for Clunkers?

That volvo is or I should say was nicer then the car I’m driving now.

Our economic machine is very complex. That’s why a totally bad idea can get results. I don’t like the program at all but it works. I hate junkyard dogs but they do get the job done.

Road Oilers? thats a good one-how about gnat killers?-Kevin

Go get em’Dagosa-maybe we should rename it the dept of offense-Kevin

All that gas they wasted running that engine at high RPMs, oil spraying from the engine. THAT is a bigger waste than keeping it on the road.

let me put the extremes of what you are proposing into play:
cancel a warship? the destruction of the lower class, making the poor, poorer, because no more cars cost less than $15,000, and us dieing from a nuculear missile that the navy couldnt stop, because we didnt have sufficient protection from country’s run by dictators. we could also die in a hail of gunfire.
We could stop this madness now by: donating your running car to the less fortunate helping them by enabling them to get a job, brining people out of poverty. while still being able to protect countless people from death.

these are the extremes, but they may happen. wich do you choose?

Don’t bet on the Navy stopping a ICBM strike, we do not live under protection from nuculear attack now or ever will,Star Wars was fantasy.

your right, but it would be nice to spend that money on something that could be protecting us.

“Nice” consequence of this program – someone I know whose family has been getting by on one aging Toyota, that despite age and mileage doesn’t qualify because of its small gas consumption, now needs a second car because of a change in job locations and schedules and no public transportation there. They’ve found the price of every used car for 100 miles around has jumped thousands of dollars higher just since the clunkers program. They can’t afford any used car in decent enough shape to be reliable with the sudden inflation in used car prices.

Oh yes, and around here the once upon a time Used Car lots that long ago became Pre-Owned lots all suddenly have new signage as “Second Chance Budget” car lots.

et me put the extremes of what you are proposing into play:

The boogy man mentality goes a long way in spending money where it shouldn’t be. That’s why the debate never goes too far with some, moderation just isn’t part of their lexicon.

Actually, you just pointed out one feature of the bill that may inadvertently increase sales: I saw two people on the news that traded in trucks to this program to increase fuel mileage. One sacrificed a 1995 GMC van, another a 1993 Ford F-150. Both traded for Ford Focuses. Both of these looked like pretty big, older people.

Wonder how long it will be before they decide that they’ve had it with these cramped small cars, their back hurts, etc., and they want something closer to what they’re used to? Think they’ll get through their payment books?

Guy at work had a troublesome S-10(AC problems, electric mirrors and windows weren’t working right and a couple other things I can’t recall off the top of my head) he traded in over the weekend using C4C. Got a brand new Ranger XLT loaded for $14k with the C4C and Xplan

 Good Morning American Taxpayers

Is everyone enjoying buying someone else a car?.. I’m not.
But since it is being done ,the clunkers should be sold to Mexico and South America for parts only .This is a big business in the Southwest U.S…It helps the South Americans become and stay mobile.They fix and fix and fix their cars.

Old school, that works for me…

Is everyone enjoying helping other folks buy a car??? Not me…

Wonder how long it will be before they decide that they’ve had it with these cramped small cars, their back hurts, etc., and they want something closer to what they’re used to? Think they’ll get through their payment books?

For all we know, small Ford Foci might suit their needs just fine. Why would you assume it won’t?

Although I am against this program, nobody is holding a gun to people’s heads making them buy a car that doesn’t fit their needs. These folks decided the Ford Focus would be a good next vehicle. Who are you to second guess their ability to make intelligent decisions? Do you know something about these people that the rest of us don’t, like maybe their medical history? Did they look exceptionally stupid for some reason?

I am glad this money is being spent on cars and not on other programs. If you are not happy with it, then you know who not to vote for next time.

Lets take a look at the programs we do like, how are they really good for everyone, and then take a look at this. Hypocracy is a bitter pill to swallow.

I agree there are better uses for these vehicles, but this is what has been decided and at the least they are going to be recycled.

Recycle is such a strong word. its not like soda cans, where you take them in to be made into new cans. when you “recycle” a car, it takes a lot of energy and resources to make the elements reusable. a certain study a few years ago found that, even with fuel efficiency, it is more “green” to own a used car.

once more, it would be better overall to donate the “clunkers” to help the less fortunate.

Instead of a Child (young adult) asking there parents for money to buy a car. We are taking there future earned money away from them for are own personal gain in purchasing of a new car with the cash for clunker program.

Send em’ to Cuba or Jalopoes-Kevin