Shecanics Turn Wrenches At Girls Auto Clinic... Get A Brake Job & A Pedicure At The Same Time!

Patrice Banks, a materials engineer, got tired of being an “auto-airhead.” She started learning how to repair her own car, taught other women to do the same, and quit her engineering job and opened an auto repair shop that employs women mechanics.

Many women customers feel less intimidated dealing with other women at the shop, instead of feeling overwhelmed by men in an ordinarily male dominated industry.

The women customers at the Girls Auto Clinic can get a “tune-up” themselves at the Clutch Beauty Bar located at the repair facility, while they wait.


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Hey, that sounds like a pretty good idea. Good for Ms Banks. Engineers are fleeing the profession b/c of outsourcing and insourcing, so are looking for other ways to make money immune to those new economical realities affecting tech professionals in America. And car repair really does fit the bill.