Reducing fuel/oil usage

“Add a Tax” ??!!


It took a while to bring Madoff to justice. Ask those who lost their shirt it and will never recover their money if govt. regulatory agencies were slow to react.

Who said anything about corps. being immune ? Corporations have powers that only civil liability class action suits can penetrate and govt. agencies with the political will can address. The country is awash in pollution practices that has damaged people’s health that have never been addressed by local agencies satisfactorily under the fear of job loss and relocation. We have only to look at the history of the tobacco industry, Monsanto and asbestos to get an idea of what goes on.

You call it conspiracy theory on my part, I call “head in sand” on the part of the disinterested.

Isn’t Madoff in prison right now for the rest of his life?

What is this about corporations being immune from laws?

ONE individual from the company is in jail…The REST of the companies employees who were part of the corporation are NOT in jail. If the corporation is to be treated as an individual…then EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE should be treated the same as Madoff was.

Executive Order 12333 defines a person as “a US citizen; a known permanent resident alien; an unincorporated association substantially composed os US citizens or permanent resident aliens; or a corporation (if incorporated in the US, and not directly controlled by a foreign government)”.

As such, a “corporation” is treated as an individual, with (mostly) the same rights as one. Putting every employee in a corporation in jail because they’re doing the job they were hired to do isn’t necessarily the same as saying they’re all criminals. I would say that’s ludicrous to even suggest. Why put the mailroom boy in jail because he was passing the messages around the office? It’s not his fault they were conducting illegal activities, and he was just trying to feed his family.

Haven’t the tobacco companies been successfully sued for billions?

A lot of corporations when faced with a lawsuit often just settle out of court and save the expense of lawyers and a trial, especially if the lawsuit has any reasonable merit.

“Absolutely 100% WRONG…”

Mike, two of your elected representatives in DC are Republicans. Why don’t you let them know that you disagree with them?

I’d be happy to pay a little more in gasoline taxes if there was some clear indication that the tax was actually being used for its intended purpose, and not to line someone’s pocket or fund utterly unrelated projects or ones with only a tangential involvement in the original purpose for the tax.

It’s like the old joke about the guy that was going to Vegas, so his buddy gives him a hundred bucks and says “See what you can do for me.” When he comes back, his friend asks “How’d I do?” To which the guy replies “You did great man, you got laid!” (hopefully this won’t be flagged for that comment)

Mike, two of your elected representatives in DC are Republicans. Why don’t you let them know that you disagree with them?

I have…

Time to contact them again! Let them know that while deficit reduction is important, maintaining a jobs base is important, too. Ask them why the rich guys have not provided jobs even though their taxes have been cut. You probably have done all that, but it never hurts to do it again. If that’s what you think.

These are Civil suits…and most are still waiting to be adjudicated. The industry is so powerful, it didn’t keep them from adding additional chemicals known to be cancer causing , just for profit. It took public outrage as the govt. did little until civil suits were filed and won…and still they prosper, now overseas.

“According to Mitt Romney (and MANY conservatives)…corporations ARE people and should be treated with the same privileges and rights.”

I wonder how they might put GM into prison? :slight_smile:

What “crime” did GM commit.

Bad judgement is not a crime, for corporations or individuals. You are found guilty of a crime, you are held responsible for bad judgement.

Time to contact them again! Let them know that while deficit reduction is important, maintaining a jobs base is important, too. Ask them why the rich guys have not provided jobs even though their taxes have been cut. You probably have done all that, but it never hurts to do it again. If that’s what you think.

Here in NH…we have some of the best politicians Big money can buy

“Here in NH…we have some of the best politicians Big money can buy”

Sadly, that seems to be the case in many places. I heard a wag on the radio say yesterday that President Obama is looking for $850 million for the next election, and Middle America is not sending money. The wag said that might mean President Obama will need to go to the usual sources of ready money, and make a lot of promises that Middle America won’t like.

"Sadly, that seems to be the case in many places. I heard a wag on the radio say yesterday that President Obama is looking for $850 million for the next election, and Middle America is not sending money. The wag said that might mean President Obama will need to go to the usual sources of ready money, and make a lot of promises that Middle America won’t like. "

Even George Soros can’t buy an election if the voters don’t like the candidate.

“Even George Soros can’t buy an election if the voters don’t like the candidate.”

True, but the ones that make it to higher elected offices are experts at being liked. I’m sure that all of our elected representatives in DC are exceptionally charming. We just had a visit from our local US House Representative at work yesterday. He said all the right things and made us all feel better that at least one of our leaders in DC is on our side and understands us. But I think that any Congressional Representative could have visited and made us feel good about him. I’m not saying anything negative about our visitor. Politics will get in the way eventually, but it was refreshing to hear someone talk about keeping all options open as negotiations to reduce the deficit continue.

Whitey has the right answer, get a new Chevy “Sonic” with a 1.8 4 cylinder with a 5-speed stick with a heater only.

Unfortunately…to get elected in this country you can’t do it on public money…There are too many loop holes in campaign finance that it’s just impossible.

I agree with circuitsmith. Ride a bicycle! What I do to get to work. Most people are so addicted to their cars (or maybe just so lazy!) though that they don’t even think of this.

Ride a bicycle! What I do to get to work.

And you must live BELOW the Mason Dixon line where you NEVER see snow or ice. You also must have a short enough commute and you also don’t have kids…must be nice.