Railroad lights

Right. I get this. But some of the comments on here seem to suggesting I’m the problem and not the gate.

It would be like saying “ your residence is the problem not the helicopter “

And something like this would be no help to you.

This is for “Union Pacific” But gives you the general idea.

Notice the very last line

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Thank you. This is the info I’m looking for on how many time is given to warn motorists.

“ Many modern crossing signals have “constant warning” technology which not only allows for the warning time, but adjusts to the speed of the oncoming train to give the same amount of warning, regardless of whether or not the train is moving slowly or very rapidly. The goal is to give adequate warning, but not too much time that would encourage motorists to disregard the signal.“

But for the sake of safety ( if safety is actually what they are about ) wouldn’t it be better to treat RR like intersection traffic lights ?

Amber before red light ? Yes? No ? Would you like to discuss this ?

As of now, we are given red flashing lights only. And we, the motorists , are to judge the flashing lights. Some drivers know that the flashing light means there is not much time given to stop or proceed, others think there is. Since something like this is not taught in the book ( probably not in defensive driving class, either) then safety doesn’t seem to be prioritized.

Why not give us amber before red at RR?

Of course, this is only for discussion purposes only.

Well explains the complexity of getting an answer. The feeds are involved, the state is involved, and the railroad is involved. Should have known that. I know for a fact that if signals are messed with, the FBI gets involved.

From the Union Pacific posted by It_s-Me:
“ Public road authorities maintain all other signage including stop signs, yield signs, advance warning signs and pavement markings.”

Dave posted dot.ny.com

So start with your DOT if you think the signals are not working properly.

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That is unusual. Where we walked to school there was a crossing of six sets of tracks, no gates back then! But it went to a switch yard so trains were moving very, very slow.

Since you went back, did you forget your phone so you could take a photo. I seem to remember you having issues with posting YouTube videos, but I have got to believe that learning how to do that is less time consuming than the time it took for you to generate that cute graphic…

And to think that graphic you included even answered your question… Did you not notice that the Blue Sign on the Rail Road Signal has a phone number on it… I know it is not the actual number you need to call, but if you had looked around the crossing as you proclaimed, you might have noticed it…

But this is what you should have done. Remember, it’s a matter of Life and Death…

Call the railroad’s emergency contact number listed on the blue sign posted at the crossing or dial 9-1-1. Communicate your location by providing the identification number and state the nature of the emergency to the dispatcher.

Now, go back to that crossing and do what you should have done to begin with…

And if you want to sue any one, just call a lawyer. If there is even hint of merit, they will take it on contingency, meaning they get 1/3 of the proceeds after they pay their expenses… and it costs you nothing…

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Thanks loud thunder. Where have you been these days? Haven’t seen you on here much.

I am here evry day, I just do not alway have something to say… But in this case, you seemd so “clueless” and were not getting the answers…

But you need to know that when an issue like this comes up and it could cause an accident with injuries or worse and then the observer (you…) do not do anything like notifying the authorities, and decided to save it for a subject to post on the Web is pretty infuriating…

But how do you arrive at this conclusion that I’m gathering bits to post on the internet rather than not wanting to prevent others from getting hurt ?

Then why did you change your mind shortly after saying you’re out?

I haven’t really been contributing to this discussion, but even I can see it doesn’t seem to be very “productive” at this point

I’m inclined to agree with @VOLVO-V70 . . . perhaps this particular discussion should end :skull: :coffin:


Because you were there, the Blue Sign is posted on every rail road crossing gate in the nation and yu either ignored it or did not bother to even investigate. From your postings and your first thoughts were who should you tell, what should you do and who can you sue. I would have thought that if as you were really concerned about this situation, you would have called the police, called 9-1-1, or as soon as you got home called the department of public works, almost anybogy, rather than look for a graphic on the internet and then waste time posting it here…

And then after getting various responses with answers from the members, you seemed to be more concerned with suing.

This is like the “Looey Loos” who witness a terrible accident, and instead of stopping to help, they are more concerned with getting good video than helping… You saw a problem and really did nothing to elevate it. Shame on you. Next time, call 9-1-1 and the operator will notify the proper authorities and the perceived seriousness of the situation will dictate the response…

Remember, the Rail Road Gate that you hit had the Emergency Number posted right on the Signal and you never noticed it… No wonder you hit the gate…

I agree I should have looked for the blue sign with emergency number. That’s on me for sure.

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@Clueless33 you already said you had no trouble stopping, if that’s the case, why did you hit anything? Please clear this up.

Nah, keep it open😀
I want to know more.
Like just how does one violently stop from 5 MPH?
What would be the basis of a suit against the Rail Road company?
What do you want if you win your suit?
How much are you willing to spend on a lawyer when no loss to you was involved?


And how Clueless destroyed anything, if as she says she was able to stop. Inquiring minds want to know!

Many years ago an ex of mine from Florida guided me through a lawsuit process which resulted in a large settlement, something many people told me would be a waste of my time and that no lawyer would want such a job.

The lawsuit was for ignoring public safety.

My ex at the time was the person to do all her research and handled all phone calls.

Since she’s an American and I’m not, she was the best person to handle legal matters concerning what went on in this country.

Sadly, our relationship ended and she’s no longer there to take care of important matters.

As for violently stopping, if you are going 5mph and have to slam the brake so that your car jerks, that would qualify as violent or sudden.

Lawyer’s don’t charge anything unless the lawsuit is successful and they’ll take 30% of what you are given.

From the post, it is very clear that I want the people who are responsible for the RR to prioritize the public safety. That includes your safety as well.

As mentioned in my post also, if you read it, this particular RR is to be held responsible for many losses.

I hope this address your questions.

Yeah, you are right about that, you might even spill your coffee, and if it’s “HOT” that would give you a double dive into the “deep pockets” of all those deep pockets…

Lawyers do not care that your primary language is not English, nor is the Justice System, just look at the hoops the government will jump through to just get one more voter on the ballets… Not only do you not need to speak or read English, there are like accommodations to allow you to bring in an interpreter to translate all the exam questions for you.


I wasn’t aware of any government programs promoting classical dance performances.

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Well, if you believe you have suffered a loss, which you have not mentioned in any of the posts in this thread, contact a contingency lawyer. You cannot watch 30 minutes of television without seeing at least one advertisement.

The only loss you have sustained was 10 points on your DL from failing to stop and hitting a crossing arm, that was seven years ago.

Neither my car nor my truck will lurch at 5 MPH. Just happened yesterday when the car in front of me stopped on a green light in the middle of an intersection. Should I have memorize the license plate then sued though no harm was done?