My wife and I recently bought a 2001 Grand Caravan Sport, We have an extended Warranty and we are wondering if the rack and pinion is part of the drive axle? A little help would be appreciated. Our warranty is suppose to cover all major car issues.
A rack and pinion is not part of the driveaxle or driveline. It’s the major component of the steering system and most warranty plans I’ve seen cover a rack and pinion.
With extended warranties one never really knows what’s going to happen. Some cover things without a fight and others want you to jump through hoops.
Our warranty is suppose to cover all major car issues.
Good luck on that one. Those insurance policies (they are warranties in name only) are worth about a quarter of what you pay for them.
The rack and pinion is part of the steering system, not part of the drive train.
You’re about to find out what your “warranty” is worth.
Good luck.