Putting a car in park at stop lights


That would be too easy, look how many replies he was able to provoke. People dislike old threads but reply to each of them.

One of my specialties is tire pressure. Something that is not specific to “some old car that might have been junked years ago”.

I may respond to an older/inactive thread if I spot myths or falsehoods regarding that topic. Not to share my faith or religion.

Someone else’s might be engine-electrical. Same scenario as mine.

So complain to the devolpers of the forum software to add an option that prevents a thread from being bumped to the top when somebody posts in it. This should be selected by default for threads that are 3+ months old.

Your thinking is why, if I was an admin or mod, I’d delete the ten threads you just started on the same subject, and force you to seek out an existing thread relevant to your topic, to contribute to even if that thread was twenty years old!