Putting a car in park at stop lights


Well, there is a nursing home just to the south of the intersection, and a lot of assisted living nearby, so there’s a lot of ambulance activity in the area for multiple reasons.

If your manual suggests putting it in park while stopped to alleviate stress of the AWD system, then yes… I think I read that in an older Subaru’s manual once?

That’s the possible scenario when one lacking patience.

Wow, good insight there.

You have my condolences.

What a waste of time.

Yet you eat there.

Why, you make it so easy?

You join a conversation that’s been dormant for 5 years add nothing, admit to to what I’ve quoted in numbers 1-4. That sir/ma’am makes you quite tardy, lacking sense and ill informed to say the least.

“This is the first time MLMILLER81474_184111 has postedv — let’s welcome them to our community!”

Why? Don’t we have enough of this crap already?


Looks like ChatGPT went off the rails again…


I think that the sudden surge of smut and inanity goes well beyond anything from ChatGPT.

@cdaquila… please do your thing in regard to this new forum member.

All I can say is WOW, never expected that tirade.

I do think that the people who flagged a post of mine a few days ago see this . If mine bothered them than this should make their hair fall out.

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The person who chose to revive this 5 year old thread is/was–at best–seriously off-topic with his comments.
In reality, his rants are truly off-the-wall and do not deserve a place in this forum.


I’m sure that ChatGPT can do much better unless the OP programmed it to write the diatribe presented above.

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I guess I should have added this afterward :rofl:


If the light you’re waiting at is more than 5 minutes long, I suppose it’s ok.

And don’t ask me where such a light is - that’s for me to know and for you to find out!

At worst, off his meds, or maybe doing some self medication!


So tell me If I leave it in Drive and it does not go anywhere without brakes on does that have any problem besides getting rear ended and pushed into the intersection?

There goes someone again, b***ching about an “old” thread.

I’m in the minority on this I know, but there’s no such thing as an old thread, unless it’s been derailed six ways to Hechunbach. As long as good information and advice is shared, the thread stands.

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Did you not see the garbage that was posted on this Old thread ? I would guess that 75 % of the old threads are revived for Spam , someone thinking that what ever was wrong with a vehicle is the same problem they have or just plain usless nonsense.

Yes, I scrolled up and saw that.

And I SCROLLED on from it as quickly as I noticed it. That’s why modern mice and tablets have scrolling ability.

Unfortunately, in this day and age when proper forums such as this one, and Igor Sushko’s Automotive Forums, and various car make forums(DriveAccord for me!) are bleeding members at various rates because of the influence of ‘social’ media, that sort of thing - spam bots - tends to creep in. Same as on UseNet newsgroups.

I call it the “Facebook effect”. That brainless void of vapidity, similar to Instagram and other platforms.

Good forum citizenship is not just complaining about old threads being revived, but rather, reporting to moderation or administration those posts or threads that have been derailed by such spammers.

And, that is why I, and Volvo-V70–and likely others–notified the mods of the totally inappropriate posting of both obscenities and totally off-topic Biblical references by that now-gone wacko poster.

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The problem is on an old thread, the op is probably long gone or even dead. Then some of us feel compelled to offer our own comments again, only to find that we had already done so years ago and forgot all about it. From time to time I still see some of my old stuff pop up, tha is no longer of any use to anyone. Kinda like car talk shows responding to problems with cars that have been junked for 30 years. Suit yourself though.

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I agree with everything that Bing stated, but the person who chose to revive this old thread did not do so for a legitimate reason. Instead of commenting about “putting a car in park at stop lights”, he/she saw this forum as an opportunity to post random Biblical quotations and other totally off-topic remarks.

As soon as someone remarked about his inappropriate posts, he responded with obscenities, off-the-wall comments, and more random Biblical quotes. Someone who posts obscenities and Bible tracts in the same sentence must be a very odd person, IMHO.

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