Pressure check to find coolant leak

Any advice when picking a mechanic for a coolant leak issue? My regular repair pro did the diagnostic but can’t do the job…too busy, booked thru July. Thanks to anyone who responds. Your recommendations are appreciated.

Most good shops are currently that way, not a good time to need major work done.

The same way you found this shop. Google, Yelp, friends, co-workers.

A pressure test is pretty easy to do and repairs mostly simple ones. Doesn’t take a PhD to do it.


He did diagnostic? For free? And won’t tell you where leak is? If you paid him then he better tell you.

I ask a napa dealer for a reccomendation.

About all you can do shop-selection-wise is ask your friends, coworkers, fellow church-goers etc who own similar cars which shop they use. Other than in an emergency, suggest to never use an untried shop without some sort of personal recommendation. I’ve used my inde local auto parts store staff for ideas where to go for specialty work, like fuel system work on ancient carburetors, re-coring ancient copper radiator, but not for the sort of general purpose work you need.

If all else fails this is something which is usually fairly easy to do as a diy’er job. You’d need to buy a cooling system pressure test kit though.