Practical Jokes played by Fathers

As a kid my dad liked to tease me if I asked too many questions. One time I asked him what a dashboard button was for — the icon was a circle — and he said it was for the car’s secret “overdrive” mode … lol …


My Dad thinks asking questions is stupid, so he answers them stupidly.

I asked my Dad what AWD meant, and he pointed at the tires and said “ You see those holes in the tire making? Sharp spikes come out of them and allow for the vehicle to climb anything .”

My Dad hates questions. He gets upset every time a question is asked. One member on this forum reminds me so much of my Dad. And the sad truth about my father is that he doesn’t know anything, and I’m not surprised.


This is Cartalk. Not let me tell you how much smarter I am than my family and relatives.

lol … Good “Dad” story, thanks for taking the time to post @Clueless33 !

There was a time when my kids could try the patience of Job asking why.
My response was, “Well what do you think and why?”
The result was Engineering, Finance and a love for anything old or new automotive.

Never stop asking WHY !


How can it be a good Dad story when he basically says his Father is ignorant ?

Choosing and encouraging to be ignorant has terrible negative effect.

Never stop asking why!

Couple days I had about 7 people attacking me over me wanting to fix the dents in my car from a tree branch falling on it. Because of ignorance, they did not understand why I was making a fuss over dings. And because I’ve asked questions about every little thing, I was able to defend myself for wanting to repair my car. When the body shop explained to some of these people why it’s important to fix the dents, they were dumbfounded and not a single one of them apologized to me for calling me stupid.

Again, never stop asking why.

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Ask away. Questions about car repair and their answers are one of the most important reasons for this forum. Another upside to being a question asker, nobody here can reasonably claim you act like a “know it all”! … lol …

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Dad Teaching daughter how to drive.


My old man loved me, I’m sure, but I wonder if my parents weren’t meant to be parents. He was always telling me to “Stop asking stupid questions!” I became adept at reading paper folding road maps by the age of 6, and Dad hated it it when I knew the way somewhere out of town, and would insist we weren’t lost when in fact we were!

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The body shop ( now called collision centers ) never posted here . No one actually called you Stupid but they did tired of constantly replying to the same problem . So there is no reason for you to expect an apology.

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As in overdrive transmission??

You are right that no one has called me stupid here, and I never insinuated that anyone did here.

As clueless as I’m on car topics, I surpassed my Dad in car knowledge 7 years ago when I joined this forum. I realized I wasn’t learning anything from him by his dislike for questions.

In general, he hates questions. Doesn’t matter the subject he will mock you for asking questions.

What’s funny to me is that he will listen to conversations and collect info from conversations then repeat them to others to sound enlightened and well informed.

So if person A says car paint lasts 10-15 years, he will wait for someone else to ask the question on how long car paint last on a car, then mock the person by saying something like that should be known by a 10 year old. :joy:

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I definitely wish Car Talk Forums was able to attract more new participants. Are there any ways folks here can suggest to make new participants feel more welcome?

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Not a dad joke,before I had kids, 68 cougar, windshield washer and wiper action is voice activated, Id say wash window, hit the pedal, and on it goes. Used to tease daughter in rolly road, oh gosh the road must end at the top of the hill!

lol … good story, I think kids definitely like magic tricks. I definitely did, and still do.

If I were new here and wandered by, I would see a long conversation between two people, not a bunch of comments by a number of people. I don’t that that would look very welcoming. Kinda like butting in to a conversation between two people in a coffe shop.

But then you worry about how to get people here, then you worry about how to keep them here if they do come. Which is it? I know it’s hard but maybe just cool it for a while. Old timers are getting irritated.