Please help a fellow out

Thats what I was trying to say…lol. I always get things complicated when I write in english.My first language is french.

It’s been 50 years since I was licensed but I’m still a little sensitive about bashing insurance rates. Of course rates will vary by your state, city, usage, history, etc., but for me, in Southern Minnesota, with discounts, accident and generally violation free, it is pretty cheap. My last 6 month policy was about $220. Of that $70 was for 250 deductible collision, or about $6 a month. Not exactly expensive. Liability another $52 and comp another $57, then all the misc. stuff.

Regardless of age, I don’t remember ever having a car that I didn’t keep collision on. It costs the same to repair a 5 year old car as a new car. Total losses sure are higher for a new car but generally that is not the norm. And yeah, for most people an umbrella is prudent but you need to have your house and cars all under the same company. When you trade cars you are covered for 30 days. All they ask is calling them with the new VIN.

Signing out

I found out not having collision means your insurance company says sorry can’t help you for damages if you get rear ended, even with a ticket issued to the other driver.

Collision is the only way you get coverage if you have damage from a hit and run. I guess if the damage is caused by another vehicle your comprehensive isn’t so comprehensive after all.


On every car I ever financed, there was no requirement for full insurance. Of course the last car I financed was in 1981 with one exception. I financed just enough of my 2004 PT Cruiser to get a $4000rebate fron Chrysler financial with no early payoff penalty I let the dealership transfer the insurance and found out early Sat. morning tha I had no collision insurance on it. I immediately called State Farm to put collision on it and was told that it could only be done by my agent who was not open until Monday.

I had a granddaughter who started working for Geico and called them for a quote. they saved me $450 and gave me coverage effective at midnight Sat. I have been with them ever since. My latest 6 month policy for one car with 100/300 liability and 250 deductible wit full glass, towing and rental car coverage wads $303.

This may differ in other states, but when NJ overhauled auto insurance regulations about 20 years ago, the term for “comprehensive” became “other than collision”.

That would be unusual but in the fine print, usually, they are allowed to use their own umbrella policy in the event of a loss and charge for it. The rates are pretty high. Sometimes you need a magnifying glass to read the page(s) of small print. For example if one of us died, the loan is due immediately.

Just to keep you folks updated.

This was emailed to me by my insurance agent a few days ago…

“The repair of your vehicle has been estimated at $17,303.85 and has been approved. The repairs will take approximately 16 day(s) to be completed”

It will be covered by my insurance, I just have to pay my deductible of $1000.

I live in Ontario Canada.


Oh wow, guess I was a little off. Because I was slow to recognize inflated costs, I used to figure what I thought something would cost and then double it, and that was pretty close. I guess I should now triple it and add an extra 20%. Still kinda scratching my head.

A conservative estimate from the insurance company, they want to reduce the rental car expense. Expect the repair to take 6 weeks.

Sine we’re talking Canadian dollars, can we assume it would be less, if converted to USA dollars . . . ?

I wouldn’t be surprised if it takes a bit longer than that

In these situations, it’s not uncommon for more damaged components to be discovered, once things start being disassembled

And there’s always the chance you may have to take the car back afterwards, to realign panels, fix some overspray, etc.

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This is a perfect example of why it is a waste of time to ask about vehicle accident repair cost on a web Forum .


You will need to repair the hood, the panels, and the grill. Without actually touching the vehicle, auto body repair cannot be estimated, but there is some significant damage here, and hopefully your insurance deductible isn’t too high

Yeah I’d say $17,000 is fairly significant.

It’s a good thing the people here actually read the posts. :sarc:

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I live in Quebec! glad we have no fault insurance.

Here we go again. Doesn’t no fault in Canada just relate to medical as in the US of A? means that you cannot sue the other driver for damaged caused to your vehicule.