Plastic bag stuck to hot exhaust

(‘04 Camry. I don’t see where to enter the year when creating new topic.)
This big ol’ plastic bag (“contractors bag”, I think) blew under the car as I was coming to a stop at a red light. Sure enough, it got stuck to some hot part of the exhaust system. (I think it’s not the catalytic converter – the part is bulge-y, but only several inches long. Maybe a resonator?) I have pulled most of it loose. A couple of square inches of un-melted bag are still stuck, and, of course, there is a bunch of charred material on the hot part.

I THINK I don’t have to worry about anything except the odor until the remnants melt and char away, but I’d like some reassurance from you experts that I am not a rolling fire hazard.

You remove as much of the plastic as you can, and let the rest burn off.

You just have to tolerate the smell until that happens.




Thanks for confirming that I’m doing it right.

I would think a half hour of running time should be enough to cook it down, but if it’s really cold where you are it might take longer.

50-deg-F today, 78-deg-F tomorrow, but we have no plans to drive anywhere. :smile:

Thanks for the tip.