People get nasty when I drive to save gas

So you’re Left Lane Bandit (LLB). Lane discipline in sorely lacking in this county. In many European countries. A stunt like that would earn you a ticket.

Not sure when the vote is in NH…but the state is going to vote on shortly about making driving in the Left Lane illegal unless you’re passing someone…I REALLY REALLY HOPE IT PASSES.

I’ve slowed to about 63 on the highway to save fuel, and guess what, I still don’t worry about what people think. If I pull out to pass a tractor trailer and some 90 mph jerk gets up behind me and starts making an ass of himself/herself…

I have no problem with this. The problem I have is with the guys that drive 63 in the middle or left lane and WON’T PULL OVER. Keep the right if you’re doing below the speed limit OR NOT the prevailing traffic flow.

you can crawl up under my tailgate in the subdivision, I don’t care, I’m running 25 through it, no sense in taking a chance on hitting someone’s kid to make it to the house 30 seconds faster.

I don’t care if a truck runs you off the road because you’re to ARROGANT to pull over and let them pass you.

So you are telling me an officer is going to pull me over and write me a ticket for holding up someone who’s trying to break the law by 20 or 30 mph? Try that theory around Ft Payne Alabama sometime and let me know how it works out.


“If someone held you up on a sidewalk because they like to walk slow, and you had no way to pass them, you’d take offense. It’s no different.”

No, I’d patiently wait for an opening and then move ahead. Tailgating is not as dangerous for pedestrians, but I’d still provide a courteous distance. No one likes their space invaded.

Who died and appointed you master of the highway?

What makes you think you are more important than I am or anyone else is? I’m paying as much road tax as you are and no, I’m not going to pull over to the ditch to let you pass just because. I try to work with people and give them as much room to make an ass out of themselves as they need but I’m not going to just pull over and stop because you want to run 90 on the highway I’m running 60 on.


I don’t putz. I don’t speed. I go the speed limit, plus to minus 5 mph. I DO keep road conditions and traffic in mind. NO TICKETS in over 25 years! I always stay in the right-hand lane unless I’m on a three-lane (3 in one direction, i.e.: Interstates and State highways). I then choose whether or not I want to speed up a bit and use the middle lane, especially in areas that have a lot of on/off ramps. Don’t like it? T.S.! (Oh, by the way, take a peek in your rearview mirror. What do you suppose those flashing lights are? ?? See you in Court!).

What makes you think you are more important than I am or anyone else is?

Look at yourself…IT’S YOU WHO THINK YOU’RE FAR MORE IMPORTANT THEN EVERYONE ELSE…I’m NOT asking you to pull over IF you’re driving the speed limit. Only asking when you PURPOSELY DRIVE BELOW THE SPEED LIMIT and PURPOSELY block other drivers because YOU’RE TOO IMPORTANT. YOU’RE the one who wants to impose your beliefs on everyone else.

Mike, has anyone pointed out to you that the speed limit is the [i][u]MAXIMUM[/i][/u] legal speed? If driving 60 MPH in a 65 MPH zone is so bad, why is it legal? Why don’t we prosecute the victims of road rage rather than the perpetrators? Could it be that it would be IMMORAL and IDIOTIC?

NH can pass whatever they want to pass, it’ll have about as much affect on me as Europe’s traffic laws.


Mike’s not upset about the 60 in the 65. What upsets him (and me) is people saying they don’t care, they’ll go slow if they want to and if they inconvenience others that’s too bad for them.

Yes, Jeremy, technically it is a speed limit, but if 90% of the people on the road treat it as the ideal speed or even a minimum, it is just plain unsafe to go significantly slower. Maybe what we need is a required speed range with a minimum and maximum on all roads. Oh, and a universal “keep right except to pass” law like NY’s already got.

See…you’ve caused forum rage just by saying what you’re doing! I can see where actually doing it causes road rage.

Yes that’s basically what I’m saying.

Mike’s not upset about the 60 in the 65. What upsets him (and me) is people saying they don’t care, they’ll go slow if they want to and if they inconvenience others that’s too bad for them.

EXACTLY…Then take the attitude that it’s us who are imposing our way of driving on them…it’s the EXACT OPPOSITE. Why are THEY SO IMPORTANT. I am being FORCED to drive the speed they want to go because they’re in front and won’t pull over.

What you are saying is that if all of us don’t drive the way you want to drive, then the rest of us should stay the heck off the road and let you have it to drive your way. I’m sorry, but that’s pretty damn arrogant.

There are all kinds of circumstances people have when on the road. Some drive considerably safer than others, some seem to have no respect for anyone. I personally don’t like people that zip up under my tailgate at 90 mph, whip over and then cut my bumper off on the front end, it’s dangerous and it leads to accidents that cost us all money, cost some their lives, and injures others. It’s uncalled for.

On the interstate or anywhere else for that matter, I like to keep a safe distance between me and what’s in front of me. Because of that donkeys who have no respect constantly cut in between me and what I’m following. It’s UN safe, don’t give a darn what the law in NH or New York says. Yes I’ve slowed down on the interstates for fuel mileage reasons. There’s 4 mpg difference in my truck between 75 mph and 65 mph. With diesel at $4.70 a gallon, there’s good reason to save fuel. If it takes longer for me to pass a 55 mph tractor trailer truck, then so be it, I’m not going to speed up just because you are throwing a tantrum in the car behind me.

People are so impatient these days. I figure it’s a matter of time before someone eats my rear bumper leaving a stop light. I’ve got 5 to 6 gears to go through between 0 and 50 mph. 1st to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd really seems to piss people off, and I’ve had several to come real close to eating a trailer hitch. What you do about it, I have no idea other than for me to drive my truck and let others worry about their vehicle.

I go up and down the road between the house and farm quite a bit. It’s about 25 miles on a 2 lane and if I’ve got an empty bob tailed truck I may run 65 mph on it on the other hand if I’m hauling equipment, I may be down between 45 and 55 and if I’ve got a load of brush on headed to the burn pile I may be running 30 mph. I’ve had people slow me up when I’m running empty, so what, it’s just part of it. I’m sure they’ve felt the same way tagging along behind a load of limbs at 30 mph. Pull over, yeah, right, where? There’s not a whole lot of places you can pull in with a trailer load of stuff behind you and get back out without causing a wreck. Yeah, I could pull the trailer faster, no problem, however, the load wouldn’t be safe at higher speeds, and why chance loosing half a tree right on someone’s car.

We have people come to Eastern KY from all over the place. 90% of them have no idea how to drive on these rural road any more than I know how to drive in Chicago rush hour traffic. They have no idea how to cross the mountain on the way to the farm and only hit their brakes a couple times. Why gripe about it though? Is it going to stop them from going across the mountain and locking it down to the curve sign’s posted speed limit? No. Is it going to get you there faster? No. Can’t they just pull over and get out of my way? I wouldn’t expect that, nor is it practical. What about the people that bitch whine and gripe when I’m slowed down to read numbers on a mail box looking for a house? I’m sure that’s a problem with you as well, but I’m not aware of any alternatives for such situations.


Easy to say. Maybe you are just a very patient person.

Personally, I respect others’ space and understand everyone is not on my schedule. So I expect them to let me pass when I need to, just as I’ll do the same for someone else. Don’t try to control people’s driving.

One day you’ll meet someone who will REALLY teach you the meaning of road rage and then you’ll wish you’d just let people go past and worry about your own business, not theirs. I hope that never happens to you.

Very good point.

I do the exact same thing. The problem is PEOPLE ARE TOO IMPATIENT TODAY! Everyone complains about gas prices yet they hit the gas from a red light only to get the next light red. Although this post isnt going to change anything it makes me SO happy that 2ndtiming wrote this. I thought I was the only one!

I get people EVERY day flying past me just to get to a red light and here I am costing to the red light, it turns green, and I drive right past them! Its so annoying when people waste gas just to show off. What are they trying to prove anyways?? I dont care about how fast you get to a stop sign.

Ahhh… it feels so good to get this out. I average 32 MPG which is great for me. The other thing I laugh at is when people speed past me when a light turns green, and I slowly work my way up to the proper speed, eventually I get past them. People need to slow down. We dont care how fast you go cause when you make a turn, we’re never going to see you again.

What you are saying is that if all of us don’t drive the way you want to drive, then the rest of us should stay the heck off the road and let you have it to drive your way. I’m sorry, but that’s pretty damn arrogant.

Take a class in reading comprehension will you…No one is saying that.

You can drive the way you want…but when people are behind you when you’re driving BELOW THE SPEED LIMIT…you should have the courtesy of pulling over. It’s YOU WHO’S DAMN ARROGANT. You’re taking the attitude…“I’m going to drive the way I want to…everyone else can go to h*ll.” Get a life will you.

And your rural roads…it’s really NOT a problem. In fact when I’m driving in farm country I accept the fact that there are going to be people on the road I can’t pass. And I’ve stated before…it’s in the city or suburb that this is a problem…when you have lot’s of cars and the very slow driving is effecting many peoples lives.

I drive the speed limit or even slightly under. 5 to 11mph over will cost you $200.00 in the city of Tucson. Now I dont know if a cop will cite you at this level of speeding but I cant afford to fin out. All traffic infractions are so expensive here $200.00+ for stop sign, red light running,$160.00 failure to yield right of way. wonder if we have a too slow law? I just leave with enough time and I have no concerns with traffic.

Coasting is dangerous. I wouldn’t do it even if it improved mileage, which it DOESN’T.

A 4-cylinder Camry should be able to deliver 35 mpg (or darn close) without all the fooling around. Just drive the car and quit coasting before you hurt yourself.