Parking brake Vs E brake

What is the difference between the parking brake vs the E brake? What are your opinions and do all cars have both? I will tell you mine after I get a few responses.

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The name is the only difference. The parking brake IS the emergency brake. And all cars have them by law.

Some manufactuers use different names because their lawyers tell them to.


Hey Renegade, glad to see you back. hope everything is alright now.

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Ditto to Mustangman’s response.
And… Welcome back, Terry!


"weekend-warrior, post:3
Hey Renegade, glad to see you back

"weekend-warrior, post:3
Hey Renegade, glad to see you back

"VDCdriver, post:4,
Welcome back, Terry
Thank y’all for the welcome back it feels good to be back. Speaking of MIA’s I noticed few who don’t seem to have been here for a while Whitey and Scrapyard John to name a couple/

I think Whitey wore out his welcome in a way similar way to CSA. Not sure about SYJ. IIRC SYJ dropped off for a while then came back.

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Both the same thing/function just like a propeller shaft and a driveshaft or the anti-roll bar (roll bar, anti-sway bar, sway bar, stabilizer bar)… Different names for the same thing… lol

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Okay I will give my take between the two all can be used as a parking brake but as far as the brake I think it depends on what you are driving parking brakes are applied two ways one with the hand and the other with the foot and both work good that way when stopped but when you are moving you need to also put it in neutral with an automatic that is easy to do but if you drive a manual as I do you have to put in neutral using the left foot before you can use the left foot before you can use the parking brake and sometimes that would be to late to prevent an accident. But as I said that is my take on the subject others may differ and that is OK also.

I remember checking my e-brake by stepping on it to come to a screeching halt. 1976 Impala.

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Concur, welcome back! I had to use my truck’s parking brake one time in order to stop in an emergency, did the job so I’d call it an emergency brake. Corolla’s parking brake will stop moving car too, but not sure how quickly. hmmm… How about if it can slow & stop the car within 50 feet when applied at 30 mph, without assistance form the regular brakes, then call it an emergency brake. Otherwise a parking brake.

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I drive a manual and can pull the shifter out of gear as I am letting off the gas as fast as I can use the clutch or faster, it is a timing thing and knowing the feel of your vehicle, I have done that with most every manual transmission I have owned… But I am also a driver and learn the feel of a vehicle pretty fast and not a fan of all the electronic controls on them…

EDIT: I guess if you wanted to really break it down a parking brake is used on the back (end) of a transmission on a larger vehicle (motorhome big truck etc) and an E-brake is used in the rear brakes somehow…

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I do that also but sometimes things are too tight to work that way.

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I consider an automatic with the hand E brake mounted on the consoie the true E brake.


True story (apparently) as told in a recent Reader’s Digest article. Male-driver sees another vehicle coming the other direction, swerving, bouncing off curbs on both sides of road, notices driver seems to be sleeping. Hero-like, he u-turns & chases after it. When close he parks, runs, & jumps into swerving car head-first via driver’s side window. Now laying in driver’s lap, he can’t press on brake pedal, but he is able to shift from D to P, works, “P” stops even a moving car. So “P” is a back up emergency brake sometimes.

ONLY if the parking paw doesn’t break…


I think on newer vehicles there is a feature that won’t let you put it into park while vehicle is moving.


I don’t think that works on all cars my wife’s last two cars you had to mash the brake pedal before it would go into park the very few times on the older vehicle I have driven I accidentally tryed to put in to prk wile still rolling it made a grinding sound like grinding gears.

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Why do you feel you need to do that? Do you put an automatic car into neutral when you slow down? I’d bet you don’t. You don’t have to put in neutral. If you do, you have plenty of time

As far as a manual, just slap the gear stick into neutral.

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As I understand it, brakes were purely mechanical until sometime in the 1920s. Then the shift towards hydraulic brakes, but federal law required a mechanical backup if the hydraulics failed, hence the “Emergency Brake”.

Somewhere along the line came the recommendation to set the brake when leaving the car, not exactly an emergency situation, so it became known as a “Parking Brake”.

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I don’t recall Whitey having left under those circumstances, but you might be right.

I can be more specific regarding SYJ. Several years ago, after he and I had a somewhat heated exchange, he left the forum. Then, a few years ago, he sent me a DM asking if I forgave him and if I thought that it was appropriate for him to return. Being a person who doesn’t believe in holding grudges, I urged him to return, and he was back with us for a few years.

More recently, his posts became VERY political in nature, and after several of them were deleted after being flagged by multiple forum members, he angrily exited–again.