I had a belt partially brake today. It tore up my hood liner down to the metal. Now what material can I make a new one from? Autozone acted lost when I called them. I do not really what to use anything that could fall down.
Junk yard? That’s the best place I can think of to find a replacement for your hood liner.
If your funds are not limited perhaps the local dealer for your vehicle can get you a new one.
I’d go with the used one from a junk yard (excuse me, Auto Recycling Facility).
How does a belt “partially break?”
You may want to spray some paint on the underside of the hood to prevent rust.
I’ve seen belts “partially break”…a portion of the serpentine comes apart and it’s flung around the motor.
Yep that is what happened.
It has happened twice now in the last year and I am try to figure out why.
I put a new water pump, a/c bypass pulley, and alternator. Ever since them there was a horrible squeak. When I bought the alternator autozone said that the original one they sold for the car was no longer available. They were selling a different on that was compatible. I put everything on and a squeak. I changed the belt to make sure they did not give me the wrong one. Not it. Exchanged the alternator. Not it. Then I look at the belt I replaced. And noticed the out side edge was worn. I took out my pocket knife and carefully removed just one of the six rows of the belt. Problem hillbilly sold. My neighbor in a mechanic and said that is way the alternator pulley on the new one. He never look at it I do not know if he was guessing or had the problem in his shop. That was the end of his advise and ideas. The recently I heard a slap slap slap at the stop light. The back of the belt was pulling apart and hitting the hood. 3 months ago when I started having all this fun, the Outside 2 or 3 rows of the serpentine broke and cut a through the hood liner, which is very a fiber material that is going all over my engine bay. I do not know if I could get one from a junk yard in good condition since that seem so fragile, I will try through. Maybe I should just take it off, Dynamat or what ever you call it?
I really want to fix the main problem right.
Ideas on either situation?
It sounds like one of your pulleys is not lining up with the others (alternator ?). They all have to line up in the same plane. If it is the alternator it either has to be changed for the proper one or the mounting has to be changed to line it up. You also didn’t mention changing the tensioner pulley, that could also be the problem. Unless this is a restored car you want to keep original just remove the liner, it is just there to make the engine noise quieter.
|…what he said. A washer in the wrong spot can kick a pulley out of line, too.
I would add that the liner is also to keep excess heat from the hood, hopefully reducing the chance of bubbling paint in very hot climates or extremes.
PepBoys sells thermal liner (heat barrier) by the roll. A good sized roll costs $25. I just bought one this morning. I’m sure other parts stores sell it too.
The liner should be installed with the silvery side down and the mat side against the hood metal.
Thanks fo the liner info i will buy.
Back to pulley situation. I did not change the tensioner. I will change it if you guys think it is a good idea. How would you go about checking the pulleys to see if they are in the same plain. I just tried to eye ball it no success. I did exchange the alternator for another on at autozone same noise. The water pump uses the back side of the belt. Thank you guys for all your help and ideas. Seriously if it was not for you guys I probable would not talk to anyone about cars and probably lose my only hobby.
You could try the old straight-edge thing, but that may prove difficult depending on the space available. Apart from “eye-ing” each one, you can check each pulley for a shiny edge…like the inside front of the [insert pulley name here] is shiny and the back is not. This will most likely require removing the belt to give you open and clear access to see and spin each pulley.
I like to try and figure it out when it’s running, but if you do it this way, be very careful not to get anything caught in the belt, any pulley or fan.
Um, “I put a new water pump, a/c bypass pulley, and alternator. Ever since them there was a horrible squeak. When I bought the alternator autozone said that the original one they sold for the car was no longer available. They were selling a different on that was compatible” me thinks you’ve got a pulley or two out of alignment. Water pumps can do that, or just because a guy at AZ says something doesn’t make it true.
Do I have to worry about the water pump Since the water pump has smooth pulley the runs on the back side of the belt
Shouldn’t have to, no. As long as you can see the belt wear line is appropriate for the pulley, and the pulley is in line with the others, and not wobbling or otherwise off kilter.
I missed the “autozone said” comment. I would contact a few other places until I found the right replacement, and then return the Autozone one. Reason: Wrong unit. Money back, in full. The main problem then is you no longer have your core to give to the next place.