Off topic but if you like ships

From a year ago but just saw it. The Arthur Anderson coming into Duluth in a snowstorm and giving a salute 45 years after following the Edmund Fitzgerald before it sank.


Spent many a night as a kid watching the Aereal lift bridge, and listening to fog horns while in bed. Why is this special to you?

I dunno. I like ships and Duluth and like other incidents remember where you were when you first heard it. I like trains too.

Kindergarten in Duluth until 4th grade.I get to hear the train horns at night, foghorns on lake Michigan gone for a few years. I can actually kind of tell different engineers by their 2 long one short one long whistle blows when approaching intersections. One engineer must have family near us as he always gives 2 short toots when near our house. Someone once told me the 2 long 1 short 1 long meant something in morse code, but I forgot. The joys of being a light sleeper.

It’s the letter Q, don’t know what that means but train horn codes are

(click on picture to expand)


We were staying near Pequot Lakes, went to Duluth to pick my brother up after he completed a canoe trip. Went to the harbor, a small foreign flag cargo ship was allowing people to visit, walk around the deck. Over the stern was a body floating in the water.
Down here, in Florida, number of bridges on the Intracoastal Waterway have open on demand bridges. Bridge has contact information, signal by horn, call on the radio, or sometimes you can just yell up to the bridge tender.

I’ve always liked trains too, even as a kid. No idea why. Many years ago I bought some shares of Union Pacific stock, pays reasonable dividends, but mainly so I could get their yearly train calendar every year. I expect I’ll be getting their 2022 calendar in the mail shortly.

The brother of a high school and college classmate wrote a couple books on the local trains of years gone by. One was on the Rock Island line that went through town.

One Saturday morning after confirmation class, three of us decided to head out on an adventure and took the Rock Island south about 15 miles to the next town. I think the fare was about 50 cents. Took the bus back after terrorizing the town. The only train ride I ever had except the UK and it was fun.

Just to keep it car related so many bridges that stop traffic to let a ship pass, Aeril bridge in Duluth, but my fav, RR Bridge Hastings MN

That happens in DC too. The Wilson Bridge on I-495 opens occasionally to let ships go to or from the Navy Yard. They even open it during rush hour. Why a Navy ship can’t wait for a more sane hour mystifies me. The Navy Yard is so far from the Atlantic and it takes hours to get there from DC.

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