The OP came here looking for opinions about going after Dodge.
The number of pics of the fire getting progessively worse and some of their actions raises a few red flags so of course people are going to want a little detail to clear up any misconceptions - and at this point no detail at all has been provided.
This also raises an eyebrow or two to keep all of this in a polite context.
I’ve got several dozen questions, but what’s wrong with simply asking what the fire investigators had to say about this and what the insurance company’s position is?
I wished my late father were still around. He was a lifelong fireman, assistant fire chief, and fire investigator (Fed. government facilities for the most part).
It would be interesting to hear his take on this.
I can understand your curiosity, even if it’s laced with skepticism. The hood being up might make a person wonder.
But in response to the OP’s question, which was what to do to get fair compensation from Dodge, I think that’s a question only a lawyer can answer. If there’s any doubt, the OP will likely have to convince the lawyer that the fire was Dodge’s fault. The lawyer is likely to ask tougher questions than we can think of before accepting the case. Once accepting the case, the lawyer’s forensic investigator will determine pretty definitively whether it’s the manufacturer’s fault or the owner’s. The lawyer is unlikely to be willing to walk into a courtroom and face off with an insurance company’s lawyer with unanswered questions.
I too would be interested in hearing your dad’s opinion. I’d also like to find out what the investigation reveals. Or, if these comments prevent the OP from proceeding further. But I doubt of we’ll hear back.