Nissan Versa wont start, accekerator not responding

I have a nissan versa 2008 it wont start, it doesnt show the gear indicator on the dash (P,R,D,L),Aand when it does start, by creating a spark by touching a metal rod on the contacts of the starter in the engine, it doesnt accelerate properly, You step on the pedal and it does not rev up, it keeps going slowly until you’ve been driving for a while *like 30 secs best case) then the acccelerator starts responding. The accerelator never responds on hills, you just keep goign slow until the hill is cleared. The delay before it responsds is shorter on downward slopes. Tried to change the transmission senesor. It fixed it for a while and the problems restarted. What is wrong?

There may be a problem with the transmission range sensor.

Sometimes you get bad ones out of the box depending on who supplied it.

This prevents the starter from operating unless it detects the transmission is in park or neutral, and the BCM uses the signal from this sensor to indicate on the shifter what gear the vehicle is in.


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