Need Washers for Banjo Bolts on OEM Parts?

Title. 2005 Toyota Solara SE 4 Cylinder. I was replacing the high pressure steering hose. I have the OEM Toyota brand part I found on Facebook Marketplace. It’s brand new. The part number is 4441006142

For this part, I noticed that the banjo bolt on the steering hose doesn’t have any washers on it when I bought it. It also didn’t come with any separate hardware in the bag.

I looked the part number up online and all the websites/sellers I see selling the OEM Toyota part don’t have washers or hardware in their pictures or state that it comes with washers or that they need to be used.

Does the OEM part number not need 2 washers on the banjo bolt? Is the OEM part designed in such a way that they’re not needed? I see that after market pressure steering hoses include the washers with the hose but they do not come with the OEM Toyota hose.

I definitely want to add washers if they are indeed needed so the new hose doesn’t leak, but on the flip side I do not want to add washers if they are not needed as this could cause a leak as well.

If they were needed when using the OEM part, wouldn’t Toyota include them? I can’t even find a part number.



You need washers for the banjo bolt and it looks like you need and O-ring for the fitting on the other end.

I think the part has an o ring on it already actually. Definitely not washers though. Do you happened to know what the correct size washer would be for this application?

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Mine already has those 2 little black o rings on the opposite end from the banjo bolt, do I need an additional o ring? Or just 2 washers for the banjo bolt

No, measure the banjo bolt and buy some from the auto parts store

No, one is enough.

Do I need an o ring for this fitting? The other 2 fittings at the very end came with O-rings on them but this one (the one that I circled in the middle) did not.

This is what the OEM banjo bolt washer looks like, they are two aluminum flat washers joined together with a spacer for easy assembly P/N 44327-30030:

Two aftermarket aluminum P/S line washers will work.

A hose clamp is used at that location, do you not have a car to look at for reference of the connections (washers, clamps)?

Gates hose on Rockauto-