Name the new Car Talk TV show!

I like that, although I was thinking Car Talk 2.0…or would it now be Car Talk 3.0?

Don?t Tow Me Bro!
Nuts and Bolts
Oil Slick
Oil Stain
Lube and Oil
Loose Solenoid
Loose Wires
Yellow Snow

No Chance Garage

Maybe PBS can bring back the TV edition of “Last Chance Garage” with Brad Sears, and air LCG back to back with NCG.

As the starter turns…

first thing that came to mind was ?Don?t Drive Like My Brother? I see it is a popular choice so I?ll go with

?Urgent Need of a Haircut?

yeeepeee ! radio on tv…

remember : “the movie is rarely or never as good as the book” so what is it going to be ?
can anyone say what this “car toon” will be about ?

sorry to appear like a party smasher, just being curious

Click & Clack’s CarTune Show

How about “Piston Broke”, which is what I usually am when my car breaks down.

Tappets’ Time Kill TV
Tappet Brothers Time Kill TV
Time Kill TV
Car Talk’s Time Kill TV
Tappets’ Lousy Show
The Tappet Brothers’ Lousy Show
Car-Tune Tappet Tales
The Brothers Tappet

The Tappet Brothers

The Fair City (fuzzy dice) Rollers

or Our Fair City (fuzzy dice) Rollers

Car Talks, and talks, and talks, and talks…

Brotherly Lube

Don’t Drive. Period.

Noises On.

Lively Cartalk
Click and Clack Animated
Turkey Talk

Dear Tom and Ray,
Having gone to Yale and having suffered the more than occasional patronizing, withering, “You went to Yale”?
Especially just after screwing something up or even worse not understanding the punch line to the stupid joke.
My humble offerings for the name of the program is

  1. What? But we went to MIT
  2. But I have a degree from MIT
  3. We have degrees from MIT
    If you accept one of these, I’ll tell you the real reason I attended Yale.
    It’s all a part of a government cabal…
    Best regards,

Combustible Chatter
(translation: a lot of hot air!)
And I really do like your show!

(The) Car Talk Chronicles
(The) Car-Tune Chronicles

I think a good name would be: “BACKFIRE”

Boy, thinking of a name that is original and not libelous is,well, hard. However, “Click, Clack and Chaos: Slightly askew and sanitized for our Protection!” Could be acceptable. Now a question: Did Louie like her animated alter-ego?

I think you ought to call it “Another
Perfectly Good Show.”

Imagine, someone tells his friend, “I watched
Another Perfectly Good Show last night. It
was great.”

“I thought,” his friend replies, “you said it
was perfectly good. What is it, perfectly
good or great?”

Just a thought.


Good luck!

I think “CLICK & CLACK: CAR WISE” could be a contender for a few reasons;

  1. you are a couple of wise guys
  2. you know a lot about cars
  3. this name could also be taken to mean “with regards to cars”

Congrats on the show,
Dorca Almanzar