My car was hit in a parking lot and the Insurance is using my Uninsured Coverage for the Claim…

This weekend I went outside to wash my 2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback and “lo 'n behold” the right rear bumper (Passenger’s side) had been hit (actually scuffed), just paint peeled away, no dents…

I had recently been shopping at three different locations, two different municipalities (adjacent cities) and on a local Air Force Base, so I did not know where it could have happened.

I have full coverage (collision with a $500 deductible) and one “Accident Forgiveness” but I am not anxious to lose the accident forgiveness, nor risk having my rates go up. So I contacted the dealer and their body shop estimated the repair at $1,300 just to repaint the bumper, no replacement needed nor was there any hidden damage.

They suggested that someone who was parked next to me probably turned too soon and their front bumper scuffed up against mine.

I looked on line and found out that the whole bumper cover can be removed in less than 45-minutes (two bolts, and nine push-pins), a new bumper cover costs about $200 (unpainted on eBay). I contacted several reputable body shops and none would take on just the paint job.

So I contacted State Farm and they told me that since it could have happened in any of the three locations, no police report was needed.

And this is where it got interesting, they said this would not be filed using my Collision Coverage, but under the uninsured coverage and the coverages deductible is only $200 verses the $500 under the Collision Coverage… And since I have Rental Vehicle coverage, they have notified me at least daily that I have not yet put in a claim for a rental (which I am not going to do, I have four other vehicles and a rental is just too much hassle…)

Last April I wrote that Virginia had passed laws to prevent drivers from registering vehicles and only posting a $500 bond in lieu of having a minimum liability insurance policy and the that about the same time, my insurance came due again and State Farm had included the State Required coverage for Uninsured and Under Insured drivers and my rates reflected the extra mandated coverage…

So, the point of all this is even if I did not have collision coverage, and only minimum liability I believe I would still have this coverage…

But the clincher is the Uninsured Coverage Endorsement specifically says the coverage does not cover a Hit-and-Run… So, do you think I am getting a favor from my insurance agent? I am not going to ask, else he might say, "You’re right; Opps, my bad, you have to claim it under your $500 deductible…

“ But the clincher is the Uninsured Coverage Endorsement specifically says the coverage does not cover a Hit-and-Run… So, do you think I am getting a favor from my insurance agent? I am not going to ask“

If this were me, I would ask to make certain and keep a record of our conversation.

When I was with State Farm and received 4 or 3 points on my license for a stop sign violation that my lawyer convinced a judge to settle for, for the RR incident, I contacted State Farm and asked if they would increase my premium due to the points. The agent told me they would not count the points this time around and assured me I was good. I advised him to check to make absolutely sure as I was told something like this would increase my premium. He said he would forgive me for not having any previous infraction on my record. And my premium did not increase.

Sorry to hear about your car.

I would wear it as a badge of honor, like a battle scare, and not even bother with it, I had the roof painted on my Corolla on my dime and a year or so later, it was rear ended and totaled, big waste of money in the long run… If you have something really nice, some idiot is gonna hit it, just use some touch up paint and buff it out… lol…
Especially with all the recent new drivers that have zero respect for other peoples property’s… If the bumper is falling off, different story… just my 2 cents worth…

As far as the way the claim is filed, that is on them if done wrong, what’s the worst they can do, charge you the difference anyway later…

What about the paint damage on the 1/4 panel?

I would not have involved the insurance company, how do they know you didn’t back into something?

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For that kind of small damage you can order a spray can of perfect matched paint plus primer and clear for around $100 and just do it yourself. When a body shop does it though, they need to blend the paint into the adjacent panels which adds to the cost.

This is a Direct Quote from the State Farm Letter and it has been filed in my Insurance Folder…

"The policy provides uninsured motorist property damage coverage for property damages you are legally entitled to collect from the owner or driver of an uninsured motor vehicle. Your uninsured property damage deductible is $200.00.

The property damage must be caused by an accident arising out of the operation, maintenance or use of an uninsured motor vehicle. Damages may include the repair costs, actual cash value of the property, loss of use, and diminished value, if any. Damages may include the repair costs, actual cash value of the property, and loss of use, if any. Damages may include the repair costs and actual cash value of the property. Damages may include the repair costs, actual cash value of the property and diminished value, if any.

Based upon our investigation, your uninsured motorist property damage coverage will apply to this loss."

I seriously thought about this but the wife said no… Then I thought about the scene from the Movie “Forrest Gump” and that he also had a battle scar from the Vietnam War and he was shot in the “rump” and that is where the Toyota got hit, in the “rump” L o L . . . It’s at the Body Shop now…

[quote=“Nevada_545, post:4, topic:195096”]I would not have involved the insurance company, how do they know you didn’t back into something?

Maybe because I have an “Honest Face…” L :laughing: L . . . or the last time I claimed on the vehicles was over 25-years ago and we pay for far more than minimum coverage and we even have “Balloon Endorsements” to raise our coverage to protect our assets in the event of a catastrophic claim…

[quote=“bing, post:5, topic:195096”]For that kind of small damage you can order a spray can of perfect matched paint plus primer and clear for around $100 and just do it yourself.

I helped a friend a few years ago “paint and blend” some body-work on his fender and it was not impressive and am not confident that my work would be any better this time… Better to spend the $200, get the body shop to do it and that comes with a warranty…

Ok. I guess I’ve had 65 years of diy body repair and painting experience so just seems like a natural thing to do. Gotta sdmit though I don’t like the mess and expense of the spray gun anymore but sometimes it’s in your blood. Way back my mom let me use her Kirby vacuum with the spray gun attachment to paint my bike. Progressed to devilbis electric and then compressors. Yeah, gets in your blood.

You’re giving away your age. :thinking:

Yeah she would have been very upset at what it sold for at auction. Refurbished and all the attachments.

I do not have this type of experience, but I have tried often enough to do some decent work for almost as long…

But Here is where I bare my soul a bit, in '94, I rebuilt my '84 Ironhead Harley Davidson Sportster from the ground up, lots of engine work, and a whole paint job… I did it in Candy Apple Red with small Metal Flake on a Silver Base, under many coats of Clear Coat… I included a lot of Art Work, all mine… This photo makes the bike look Award Winning…

In the two photos below, you can see my screw up… in the last 30-years, the paint is still soft and has not yet hardened…

In this photo of the Oil Tank, the artwork of the “Concho” is under laid with Silver leaf and the color is unaffectred, but you can see the how the red has bled through all the other colors… the feather’s edge was originally white…

In this photo of the Gas Tank the inside of the “Dream Catcher” is also silver leaf and the color remain as it should, but the eagle’s head has taken on a distintly red appearance and at the base of the eagle’s neck you can see the where the white remains where the silver leaf is…

So, you can see why I am not about to take this project on…

Pretty bad a$$ bike. We also invested in bikes. My families love bikes. Except for me for medical reason, we have the Yamaha trail bikes and racing bikes from Kawasaki.

That really looks great. Professionals tend to point out the errors. No one would know.

I definitely see the OP’s oil- & gas-tank paint problems, but it seems like that wouldn’t take overly long to redo. The remaining parts of the cycle look great, just be extra careful when driving it on the roads, and try to make yourself as visible as possible.

The only part that would concern me is the soft clear coat. I’ve sprayed the urethane with the proper catalyst and was color sanding and buffing within a couple hours. Rock hard and indestructible.

Not knowing your specific State or your specific Policy, it looks like State Farm is actually looking after you.

It appears that State Farm is NOT charging it to you as an “Chargeable Accident” which would raise your rates.
Further, it appears that they’re recouping the cost of the damage from your State Uninsured Motorist fund, which appears to have a lower deductible ($200) than your policy ($500).
Further, if State Farm is willing to administer the repair for $200, they’ve got plenty of quality repair shops who are willing to accept the payment and guarantee their work.

While $200 out of pocket ain’t a source for rejoicing but contact your State Farm agent and get a full explanation before unleashing the crazy on them. I suspect they may have actually done you a favor. .

Hitting a deer with state farm is classified as an act of god and zero deductible. Maybe an angry god ar something I said but who is to argue.

Thank you!

Thank you too! As they say, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” I know what the original colors were and only a couple of folks (ones really knowledgeable in the “paint arts”) have noticed. Most folks would never know and that is good enough for me for the time being… Besides, my bike is accessed at $10,000 for insurance purposes (special rider…) and I have received estimates of $2,000 to $3,000 to repaint it and I am not going to retry it again…

I have been motorcycle licensed since 1966 and I started riding two-years previously… I have over 80,000 miles on my Harley and I have had several narrow escapes and I always ride like “they are out to get me…” And, “Knock on Wood”, I have never had an accident…

I have taken the Advanced Rider Safety Course at least four times in the past to keep the skills fresh and the horror movie scenes ingrained in my brain…

And I try to make myself as visible as possible and I have no problem pulling over to let an aggressive driver past me.

Thank you for your thoughts!

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Oh don’t I know it. As I wrote previously, I would have thought it was a Collision Claim, not an Uninsured Claim, as they have decided.

I never suggested the Uninsured coverage; the Claims Adjuster Agent decided this without my input and it surprised me… As I also wrote, previously, "I am not going to ask, else he might say, “You’re right; Opps, my bad, you have to claim it under your $500 deductible…”

But they have now sent me a letter explaining the coverage and I am going to hold them to that (their) decision…

The dealership has an off-site body shop and that is where I went for the estimate and the insurance agent said they were at the top of their list for recommended repair facilities and I took the car there… It’s best that they are Toyota specialists and the Insurance agent recommends them so any follow-up claims should go smoothly if needed due to an unsuccessful repair…

To close out this posting, here is a photo of the finished fender along with the detailed repair bill.

This body shop is associated with the Toyota Dealership, however it is located off site… It is in Hampton Virginia for those interested in the location to compare the labor charges.

As I wrote previously, I am not going to question whether it should have been covered by my $500 deductible collision or my $200 deductible Uninsured coverage. Likewise, I was not going to question item 33, the need to calibrate the seat weight sensor since the car was parked when it was hit…

State Farm approved the cost, and it is warranted by both the repair shop and State Farm. Finally, this is not considered a chargeable accident and I maintain my “Accident Forgiveness” endorsement.