This weekend I went outside to wash my 2019 Toyota Corolla Hatchback and “lo 'n behold” the right rear bumper (Passenger’s side) had been hit (actually scuffed), just paint peeled away, no dents…
I had recently been shopping at three different locations, two different municipalities (adjacent cities) and on a local Air Force Base, so I did not know where it could have happened.
I have full coverage (collision with a $500 deductible) and one “Accident Forgiveness” but I am not anxious to lose the accident forgiveness, nor risk having my rates go up. So I contacted the dealer and their body shop estimated the repair at $1,300 just to repaint the bumper, no replacement needed nor was there any hidden damage.
They suggested that someone who was parked next to me probably turned too soon and their front bumper scuffed up against mine.
I looked on line and found out that the whole bumper cover can be removed in less than 45-minutes (two bolts, and nine push-pins), a new bumper cover costs about $200 (unpainted on eBay). I contacted several reputable body shops and none would take on just the paint job.
So I contacted State Farm and they told me that since it could have happened in any of the three locations, no police report was needed.
And this is where it got interesting, they said this would not be filed using my Collision Coverage, but under the uninsured coverage and the coverages deductible is only $200 verses the $500 under the Collision Coverage… And since I have Rental Vehicle coverage, they have notified me at least daily that I have not yet put in a claim for a rental (which I am not going to do, I have four other vehicles and a rental is just too much hassle…)
Last April I wrote that Virginia had passed laws to prevent drivers from registering vehicles and only posting a $500 bond in lieu of having a minimum liability insurance policy and the that about the same time, my insurance came due again and State Farm had included the State Required coverage for Uninsured and Under Insured drivers and my rates reflected the extra mandated coverage…
So, the point of all this is even if I did not have collision coverage, and only minimum liability I believe I would still have this coverage…
But the clincher is the Uninsured Coverage Endorsement specifically says the coverage does not cover a Hit-and-Run… So, do you think I am getting a favor from my insurance agent? I am not going to ask, else he might say, "You’re right; Opps, my bad, you have to claim it under your $500 deductible…