I seem to recall a month or so ago someone was asking why so many of us diss the VW. Need I say more?
The problem actually started back in January 2008, but the dealership closest to my home said there was nothing wrong so I drove a car for a year and a half that had enough metal shavings in the transmission to hamper shifting into 4th gear. The engine would just rev but not shift or speed up. I traded cars with my husband to get his breaks done and it freaked him out so bad he took it to the dealership on the other side of town - hence I got it replaced July 09. This is part of the 10 year 100k miles warranty.
The issue is not with VW. Some are too ready to label this car a Lemon, there’s a bad batch of transmissions, etc. while knowing only a tiny percentage of the details behind this problem. There are about a dozen questions that need to be answered before anyone can even begin to know what’s going on here.
VW builds good transmissions and engines. VW is not going to provide mulitiple bad transmissions.
The OP has paperwork showing this transmission was replaced (allegedly) but that paperwork has zero to do with VWOA. That’s dealer paperwork; the question is whether that paper is on file at VWOA’s regional office.
I’ve worked for 2 VW dealers and I will say that VW is very finicky about their warranty dealings; as they should be. The regional office does not put complete trust in the dealer nor do they provide carte blanche on warranty repairs.
A part fails under warranty it must be retained for examination by the rep who comes around about once a month. In the event of a major trans failure they are REALLY going to go over this one with a fine tooth comb. If that trans fails a second time shortly afterwards then someone at the dealer is going to get the hammer dropped on them; much less repeating this for a 3rd time.
If someone is botching the repair or even misdiagnosing it that does not mean it’s a VW problem at all.
If VWOA doesn’t have all of this on a verifiable record at the office then the OP is being yanked around. On the other hand, if the serial number on the transmission that is currently in the car matches up with the VIN as the trans the car was born with then there is yet another reason to think someone is being yanked around.