May be time to give up on my old 1997 Ford F250 Light Duty

Way easier up in the air, but yeah, make sure it can’t roll, make sure you and your tummy can fit under the t-case, remove both driveshafts, tape around the u-joint cups so they don’t fall off if open, unhook linkage and wiring from the case, put a jack under the transmission and raise it a little, remove mount and cross member, remove 6 bolts or nuts holding the case to the trans tail housing, have friend help manhandle the t-case from vehicle, I would drain the fluid 1st, put catch pan under trans open housing to catch any ATF draining…I would cover the open tail housing from dirt…
Not necessarily in order but you get the gist of it… This was a quick off the top of my head without looking at your vehicle, so I may have missed something…

Labor wise:

w/o Torsion Bar Suspension 2.6 hours
w/Torsion Bar Suspension 5.5 hours

An old redneck country boy can do it with his eyes closed in the dirt with a storm going on, a city slicker might have more issues… :rofl:

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Here is the update. The shop was able to source a good used transfer case and install it for under $1000. So far I have probably driven the truck for a couple hundred miles and it is doing great so far. Again, I don’t consider this truck worthy of new or reman parts for a premium price at this point but if it goes another 2-3 years I will be happy.


Good to hear! I bet something besides the transfer case will be the eventual reason you sell this truck.

That is my thinking. If it ends up needing several things at the same time, that might be it for me. My gut tells me that transfer case will last longer than the rest of the thing.

The engine compression may be it but that hasn’t gotten noticeably worse in the past couple years. This is a good truck to use around the farm and it is nice to not have to be in a hurry to load or unload it as if it were my only larger pickup.