Martha Stewart, Aluminum and Alzheimer's Disease

On the other hand…Jiffy Pop sure is convenient!

The only way I’m going to start worrying about aluminum is if I look out the window of my plane and see it starting to come apart!


Everyone has a right to decide what risk level is right for them and it is ignorant to mock them for it.

Sorry, no. If they’re making decisions out of ignorance, and worse, trying to convince others to make decisions out of that ignorance, they deserve whatever mockery and shaming they get.

People who are refusing to vaccinate their children because a Playboy playmate told them it will give the kid autism are deciding “what risk level is right for them,” but that does not mean they’re making an intelligent or informed decision, and it does not mean the rest of us should shut up when they do it.

Encouraging scientific ignorance by supporting people’s “right” to run around telling everyone the dangers of vaccines, or aluminum, or any of the other half-baked idiocies that get passed around on the internet, is unhelpful and unwise. Scientific ignorance leads people to make poor choices, sometimes with potentially disastrous results (“My kid got polio, but at least he didn’t get the autism he was never going to get anyway!”)

Vaccination is a perfect example, where ignorance, desperation, and scare tactics is actually killing children. These vaccines prevent thousands of cases of, say, measles, and we know that some number of children who are stricken with the disease will die. So it’s not a simple ‘acceptance of risk’ issue. There’s often a major, but ignored, risk by NOT doing something.

I am loving our hot air popcorn popper, the farther you get away from the basic source of food, the greater the risk imho. Processed foods are more dangerous than whole natural foods, imhop