Martha Stewart, Aluminum and Alzheimer's Disease

"why should I care about any of this ? "
I agree…what are you doing here on a discussion entitle, Martha Stewart…? Looking for mercury recipes ? ;={{{
Here, if you talk about cars…it’s off topic.

What is a discussion about Mertha Stewart doing on a car forum?

Why is “hail to the chief ?” Why not start a discussion about not starting discussions that have nothing to do with cars ? Or, better still, just don’t go there.

Point made.

Why not take the wisdom of a convicted felon as truth? Just because she deceived her sponsors and violated her contracts doesn’t mean she is of questionable ethical judgment! She just knows how to manipulate the system.

If you want to end up a convicted felon with 5 months in jail time experience on your resume. Not many of us have the Martha-dites following us around, willing to forgive and forget our transgressions. Without it, criminal records are harder to live through. She is a topic here only because “Cartalk” saw fit to be one.


What is a discussion about Mertha Stewart doing on a car forum

What? Hasn’t anyone made the correlation between aluminum blocks and alzheimer’s disease.

Maybe. GM forgot to coat the insides of the cylinders on my '72 Vega. Might have been alzheimers.

Everyone happy?

In Maine it’s Maa thaa.

I don’t have oldtimers disease yet and, sorry I forgot what I was going to say. Don’t spray paint car models in your basement without ventilation either; especially while cooking with gas in an aluminum pan. I have to get back to whatever it was I was doing.

^Keep breathing and you will oneday forget to breath.

It is amazing to me how ignorant some people can be. There are enough links between Al and a few different health issues for this to be a valid concern. This has been found in studies in the U.S. and outside of it as well. That said I do use Al foil and will continue to do so. I do so knowing that there is a potential risk and I am willing to accept that. However I can in no way fault anyone who is not willing to submit to that risk themselves. Everyone has a right to decide what risk level is right for them and it is ignorant to mock them for it. You don’t know what their genetic history is and what illnesses they may be predisposed to getting.

I ride a motorcycle. There is certainly a quantifiable risk involved in that. I choose to accept that risk because I feel the benefits for me are worth the risk. I don’t judge others for feeling differently

“Ignorant” is a strong word when no evidence is provided. Fear is not evidence, web sites collecting fear is not evidence. Careful studies, which have been done regarding Alzheimer’s and aluminum, are evidence. And they’ve not found a link.

I KNEW there was a reason beer didn’t taste right in a can!

I KNEW there was a reason beer didn't taste right in a can!

So much so that you can’t buy Sam Adams in a can or plastic bottle. They are convinced it alters the taste.

I remember wrapping food in aluminum foil and then placing it in the campfire to cook. Cracker Barrel offered “campfire” dinners in the fall where the meal was cooked in aluminum foil. I think this would be as much a risk as cooking food in aluminum cookware. I’ve even seen recipes for cooking food while one travels by putting the food in aluminum foil and securing the package to the exhaust manifold.

RE Alzheimer’s, curious statistic, people that ate food with more preservatives were less likely to get Alzheimer’s. The next study should be the people that die of cancer due to preservatives, ie one way to prevent Alzheimer’s is to have people die of cancer first.

“It is amazing to me how ignorant some people can be. There are enough links between Al and a few different health issues for this to be a valid concern. This has been found in studies in the U.S. and outside of it as well.”

The Alzheimer’s Association disagrees with you, @cmeyerhbg. Here’s what they think:

Myth 4: Drinking out of aluminum cans or cooking in aluminum pots and pans can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Reality: During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum emerged as a possible suspect in Alzheimer’s. This suspicion led to concern about exposure to aluminum through everyday sources such as pots and pans, beverage cans, antacids and antiperspirants. Since then, studies have failed to confirm any role for aluminum in causing Alzheimer’s. Experts today focus on other areas of research, and few believe that everyday sources of aluminum pose any threat.

RE Alzheimer’s, curious statistic, people that ate food with more preservatives were less likely to get Alzheimer’s.
I agree with that completely. IMO, with a life expectancy less, they probably didn’t have time to show Alzheimer’s symptoms. I don’t feel one can lose their cognition after they lose their life.