‘Man gets out of DUI by chugging alcohol during traffic stop’

‘A man was cleared of DUI charges after a court said they could not determine if he was drunk while driving, since he drank a bottle of alcohol after being pulled over.’

‘Wait wait, don't tell me’ used this story.

Well, next time we are in South Korea we will know how to get out of a DUI their… :grin:

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That will NOT happen here.

If enough people read that story we might find out if it could happen here. Anyway, you’d think that the offender could be charged with erratic driving. Presumably the cop stopped him for that.

One more thing: soju is not just distilled rice wine. I was on the Japanese island of Tanegashima for several months for a work project. The main business on the island is growing sweet potatoes and they love soju made from then. The ABV was much higher than the 12.5% listed in the article. Some people like it, some don’t. The owner of the bar I frequented there hated soju and discouraged everyone for drinking it.

Most if not ALL states have laws on this exact same thing. You drink right after an accident you can still be charged with a DUI. I’m guessing because it was tried before.

DUI laws in the US are still way too lax.

Yeah, I heard about doing that way back in the early 70s, I don’t think it worked then, but I wouldn’t try it.

Driving and alcohol. Shouldn’t be mixed.
I have to drive. I don’t need to drink.

Open bottle in Minnesota is about as bad. You can’t have an empty container in the car or it is assumed it was consumed while driving. So if he puts the bottle back in the car, it’s open bottle. If not disorderly conduct and littering. Best to not get cute with the police.

Back around that time, a friend of mine said that if he was ever stopped by the cops while he was under the influence, he would tell the cop that he had diarrhea and would then dash into a bar (ostensibly to use the John), and then proceed to consume a drink or two. His “foolproof” plan quickly fell apart when I pointed out that there might not be gin joint adjacent to the place where he was pulled-over.


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The system here in the United States is strict compared to the island. I often see drivers with an opened bottle of red stripe and Heineken beer on the island and nobody seems to be bothered by the police there.

I used to drink no more than two bottles of Heinekens at a time and I wasn’t bothered by them while driving.

I like the law here, though, and we have similar laws on the island concerning alcohol consumption; just isn’t enforced like the USA.

I tell people all the time that a little alcohol in our blood stream increases confidence and awareness and they would mock me and call me dunce. Truth is: when I’m completely sober, I have a hard time introducing myself to a new woman compared to when I had a little alcohol in my system, and the same goes for driving; I feel more confident around the wheels.

You know that feeling? Ire !

My last beer was in 2010.

The bars beachside have bicycle racks for all the residents that have lost their driver’s licenses due to DUIs.

The solution would have been to move to Carbondale, PA. When I was in college Carbondale had the highest number of bars per capita. You were always near a bar.

Many years ago, I recall, an off-duty Denver Police officer was believed to have caused an auto accident.
He drank from a bottle he “just opened” to “Calm my nerves.”
Still at fault for the collision.

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That’s pretty sad. A beer does calm the nerve, you know. I wonder what bottle he had ? Sounds like something pretty strong.

And sometimes when you drink enough of them it can also make you 10 feet tall and bullet prof… :laughing: