Looking for advice on V6 AWD Crossover replacement for beloved 2005 Pontiac Aztek


Although you are technically correct, I would claim that “…problems getting through any mountains. Even the Rockies.” is subjective. Maybe what starybaba means is just what you are stating, but she could also mean that it can easily handle the steep grades without struggling.

Having lived in Colorado for most of my life and experiencing the profound difference in performance of a normally aspirated engine at sea-level vs. even 6,000 ft, I would beg to differ that “No modern car sold in this country is going to have problems…”. But then again, what I mean is that if you can’t keep up the highway speed climbing over, let’s say Vail Pass on I70, then the car is having problems. Not to say that the car is dying, just that it is under-powered for the driving conditions.

But, as I said, that is my interpretation of “problems”.

Well, that’s somewhat a subjective problem. When I’m 9000 feet up and driving on a winding mountain road, I don’t particularly care that I can’t go 70 :wink: That said, the mountains the OP will be driving in are little hills compared to the Rockies, so she won’t be experiencing the performance drop you get at Rocky-level altitudes.