What are some stylish, comfortable convertible cars in the model years 1985 or so to 1995? These can be two-seaters or four.
Any recommendations? Thanks
Are you looking for large displacement grunt or a smaller engine? Price range? Are you more interested in seating comfort or certain driving characteristics?
Convertibles have made a come back in recent years. In years from '85 to '95 there were only a few convertibles produced. Chrysler made one, VW had the Cabriolet, and Saab had a 900 convertible. Most manufacturer offered no convertibles at all in the period. From 2000 on there were more convertibles produced and you have more options.
Convertibles have made a come back in recent years. In years from '85 to '95 there were only a few convertibles produced. Chrysler made one, VW had the Cabriolet, and Saab had a 900 convertible. Most manufacturer offered no convertibles at all in the period. From 2000 on there were more convertibles produced and you have more options.
If you use Ebay select convertibles and enter in the years '85 to '95 and see what comes up.
Price range is 5 to 7K. Prefer a smooth ride and some power – can be a two-seater.
Ideally, I would like to find a classic luxury car convertible with some power – the best of both worlds, so to speak. Thanks!
Mercedes made 2 seater convertibles during some of those years that are stylish, such as the 380SL and 500SL. They have a removable hard top as well as a built in soft top. The design looks nice after all these years and they are comfortable to drive (I have a 1984 380SL). One in decent shape may cost a little more than your price range, but it will retain its value for longer than most other cars of that era.