Left Lane Rage

To VDCdriver (and to others to whom this applies) - First the lady said she was ging to make a left hand turn in ONE HALF of a mile NOT TWO or THREE as you exagurated in an attemt to make it look worse than what it really was.
Secondly how many times have you been POed at someone who waits untill the last half mile to get in front of you, possible in thick traffic, to make a left hand turn. And you’re thinking why the H*** did they wait so long to get in their proper lane? OR Thirdly Have eyou ever been in the wrong lane and no one would let you into the lane you wanted to be in and you had to MISS your turn. And others would say “He should have looked ahead”. Have you ever been “SAVED” from getting a speeding ticket because someone in front of you slowed you down before getting to a police car sitting by the side of the road? A LOT of people have. Do you think they cursed the one who saved them from getting a ticket? OR DO THEY SAY GET OUT OF MY WAY I WANT TO BREAK THE LAW AND PUT PEOPLE IN DANGER AND D** IT YOU’RE TRYING TO STOP ME FROM DOING THAT! WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? DUH! Do you begrudge or look down on POLICEMEN who give tickets for speeding or reckless driving? They are doing the EXACTLY the same thing only in a police car. WITH A TICKET BOOK. Would you like that better? HUH?

There’s a wooded area near me and the best lane to be in to avoid hitting a deer running out in front of you, is in the left lane.

@Landro: “Do you begrudge or look down on POLICEMEN who give tickets for speeding or reckless driving?”

Actually, I do, because they often misuse their discretion to let some people off and target other people for various reasons. That’s besides the point though, because enforcing the speed limit IS NOT YOUR JOB, nor was it the woman’s job in the video.

Until someone issues you a badge and a gun, do the world a favor and leave law enforcement to the professionals.

“enforcing the speed limit IS NOT YOUR JOB, nor was it the woman’s job in the video…
Until someone issues you a badge and a gun, do the world a favor and leave law enforcement to the professionals.”


…also, it might be better to leave internet posting to people who are fully literate in the English language.