Left Lane Rage

The CNN version was heavily edited. I watched the full version, but the download was a little jerky. It looked like the posted version had some editing as well but that could be due to the jerkiness of the download. I watched it twice and it does appear that some frames are missing just before the accident, but there were some pretty deep puddles of water on the road so that may be why he lost control.

If he had spent a little more time paying attention to his driving and less time being a jerk, he might not have wrecked his truck. But it is her video and her side of the story that we see. I think she shares a lot of the blame here though.

From what I see, he was not tailgating, she just used the zoom to make it appear that way. Note how the camera jerks a little just before he comes closer and how she pulls away from him just before showing her speedometer.

The girl sounded like a teenager, or early 20-something. She also disabled comments on the video because she got butthurt by some of the comments(she stated near as much in the video description).

When he went around her, it did look like she sped up a bit, then backed off a couple times; probably just to get this kind of reaction to her antics.

On Google maps, go to “us 41 & estelle, 33534.” That’s the intersection he slid through going southbound. On “street view” I found the speed limit at 50 MPH so she was speeding already at 55-60. In an interview with her, she said she sped up as he passed because the speed limit increased; however, I found the speed limit didn’t increase to 55 MPH for over a mile south of that intersection. She baited him and he was dumb enough to bite.

The guy in the truck was foolish because of agitation. It seems to me the woman who goaded it on and created the video is the root cause of the entire thing.
She could have put the phone down and simply merged to the left at some point. Many states, including OK, have laws that drivers must stay to the right unless passing someone.

It seems to me that if video evidence is enough to charge the pickup driver then it should be good enough to charge her with speeding.

That Woman was stupid,she was distracted driving and inciting an incident,far too few people,these days it seems,understand the concept of provacation-no one wins-Kevin

This is a situation similar to another posted complaint. Sometimes the biggest complainers of problems are part of the problem them self and don’t even know it. I see little difference between texting and using your phone cam while driving. I guess I ddn’t notice the lady’s badge. ;()

Sorry, I refuse to put more blame on one of them than the other. Either one of them could have opted out of the conflict at any time. They are both as much to blame for the incident.

It takes two to tangle…

Yeah I’ve got to agree with most of you. Yes he was aggressive but she could have gotten over and I didn’t he was actually following that close. He had at least one or two car lengths behind her. Plus who is happy to see an accident? What is with that lime green vest though? I wonder if she was some type of road worker or something having a bad day.

" I wonder if she was some type of road worker or something having a bad day."

@Bing, I think you nailed it. I must continually remind myself that I don’t know what the mental state is of anyone around me on the road. There are thousands of reasons to be mad at something which can distract you of your first job: DRIVE THE DAMN CAR!

Green vest means nothing,anybody can get one,I feel sorry for Her boyfriend-Kevin

I think feeling sorry for her boyfriend assumes a lot. Everyone has personality quicks, and we’ve all done things we’re not proud of.

Anyone can get one of those vests, but not everyone will drape it over the passenger seat. All we know is she or someone who drives that car works outdoors.

One reason for the brightly colored vest is to fake out the cops (or cameras) when traveling alone in the HOV lane.

I think you can do better than just hanging a vest:

Haha. Cracks me up - sort of.

Sure you can, but how much time do you think the cops have to devote to each vehicle when traffic is heavy?

I was kidding around. I’m sure the hanging vest could have been added to the article.

"I feel sorry for Her boyfriend"

It could be worse.
He could be married to her…


Here is the road rule I follow:

The safest rule
No Ifs or buts
is drive like everyone
else is nuts

Burma Shave

I think the old Burma Shave signs made a lot of sense. I would have figured a way to let that pickup driver get far ahead of me.

Let em go,my Mantra(a urinating contest on the road is very foolhardy)-Kevin