Issue after taking car to dealer for special coverage

I received a letter from GM that said I have a special coverage for a problem that is common of this car. I took the car in to a dealership who did the work for this coverage. After the work was done I tried to unlock my door but the door would not unlock. I tried telling the dealership about this problem but they say they had nothing to do with it. My question is in doing the repairs for this coverage does dealership have to do anything to the door lock. And a follow up question is this something common the dealership might do to get me to go back and do the repairs with them?

Yeah Im sorry I forgot to say what I took the car in for. when I turned the car off the key would not release. I would have to put the car in drive and park again to get the key to release. The coverage is 14632. I use a key to unlock my door.

How did you try to unlock the door? With remote fob or key, or both? Will it not unlock with either?

The dealer would not intentionally mess with your door lock in order to get more money out of you. The service order you posted says they replaced the transmission control assembly. I don’t know how that could be related to a door that won’t unlock.

“Special coverage” for…what?

As usual, The Devil is in the Details, and there is not enough detail from the OP for anyone to make an educated guess as to how or why the two situations might be connected.

Yeah Im sorry I forgot to say what I took the car in for. when I turned the car off the key would not release. I would have to put the car in drive and park again to get the key to release. The coverage is 14632. I use a key to unlock my door.

This wouldn’t be the GM ignition switch recall by any chance? Were you given new keys? In regard to the door lock problem, is it a problem with power door locks or a mechanical issue as in the key will not lock/unlock the door?

Ed B.

I did have the gm ignition switch problem as well but this is a different coverage. The problem is with the key. The door still locks and unlock when I put the car on drive/park.

Does the key work in the passenger side door?

Since the “door still locks and unlock when I put the car on drive/park” the driver’s power door lock actuator seems to be working

it sounds like the problem might be the key fob, the battery in the key fob, or possibly the receiver . . . radio frequency, I presume

Do any of the buttons on the key fob work? If not, replace the battery and report back

The key does work on the passenger side. I don’t have a key fob just a key.

Then you’re going to have to remove the door panel and see what’s going on in there

That’s how I see it, based on the information you’ve given us

The dealer would have disconnected the battery to replace the TCM, and it’s possible that the Body Control Module or the security system needs to be reprogrammed.

The unfortunate part is that even though they are clearly responsible, they may give you a hard time. You may need to be forceful and demanding, loudly, in the showroom where other potential customers can hear you.

If the key works on one side, I have a hard time believing that the program in is off for the other side.

I agree

The problem is inside that driver’s door, in my opinion

If the problem is inside the door would that make it harder to repair. Or would it mean that the dealership did not cause the problem.


“If the problem is inside the door would that make it harder to repair. Or would it mean that the dealership did not cause the problem.”

Yes . . . it would make it harder to repair

Yes . . . it’s possible the dealership did not cause the problem."

That is why I have mixed feelings about “ever since you worked on my car” scenarios. In some cases, yes, the mechanic and/or shop did cause the problem. But it many, many other cases, it’s totally unrelated and simply bad timing