‘Is Your Driving Being Secretly Scored?’

60 miles from the border on I 35, the state patrol pays particular attention to out of state cars. Especially Texas and Oregon, and especially if they have those shiney doo dads hanging from the mirror. Having a reason to stop them, they call the dogs and have had great success.

Life360 may see how fast I am traveling but it has no idea if I am driving. It would show that I traveled over 1200 miles in March, but I only drove 100 or so.

You are right, it does not know if you or a family member or your next door neighbor is borrowing your car (and probably not on the insurance policy as one of the drivers…) but there is an old adage, “Guilty by Association…”

If your insurance company is acquiring this information and using it to determine your “insurability” then I would not be so glib about it.

Whoever is driving your car the other 1100 miles just might prevent you from betting that “Good Driver” endorsement or get you into a “Select Group” of risks that would increase your insurance costs.

??? …I don’t understand what you mean. Why only Texas and Oregon? Those states don’t seem to have much in common. And what’s the relationship to those states & gadgets hanging from the mirror?

I don’t know if you have tried Life360, but at least in my case, it is tied to my phone, not the car. So for example, it may have showed I was traveling in Canada a few weeks ago. I did absolutely no driving. And it was a rental (who knows what kind of tracking Hertz uses.) Still, there is very poor correlation from Life360 data to my diving habits, though I agree an insurance company might not care and use the data anyway.

You need to get out more. Interstates 90 from the west coast and interstate 35 from the southern border are known as the drug corridors. Much traffic from the west and southern drug suppliers. The do dogs hanging from the mirrors is illegal so a pretense to pull the cars over in the first place and then check for drugs. Of course some transports are just stopped for speeding. You’d think if you were carrying half a million in drugs, you’d watch your speed?

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Yeah, I guess I do. I’ve never heard of that before.

The … WHAT?!

Oh come on. Do dads. Like hanging chains and crystals. Apple decides what to change my words to if I don’t proof read. Called auto correct.

I believe that’s a typo, should be “dodads” … slang for any sort of gadget when you don’t know its actual name …one thing we’ve learned: best not to have any of them hanging from your car’s mirror! … lol …

No: YOU decide.

Go into settings in your device, under Keyboard I believe, and switch off ‘Auto-Correction’.

No excuses.


Turning off auto-correct causes more issues for people with bigger fingers.

Auto-correct does change your words, giving you no choice sometimes. Countless times I type have just fine and as I hit the send button it changes to gave


Are you one of those people?

I would rather keep backing up and correcting myself.

Alas, Fakebook changes my words by default, no way to disable that. Makes me sound like a fool at times.


…and drug transporters are concerned about car insurance discounts? What does the highway patrol stopping drug-runners have to do with telephone applications selling your driving information to insurance companies?

Put your flags back in your pocket. Comments tend to meander a little. If you go back to vdc and mustangs comments, the conversation turned to speeders and out of state cars.

Yeah, That’s the reason.

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It’s true Pvt!

On FB, I type:

“The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog”

and what appears on screen:

“Th quick red fox jumpe over the laz brown og”


PvtPublic, I got your point… :rofl:

Clueless, I am one with huge hands for my size, I also war a 4E shoe and still have an inch of room for my toes… lol… The end of my finger covers 3 keys wide on my keyboard, my thumbs make those 3 keys side by side just disappear, so I have trouble typing my own name out… Hell, autocorrect can’t even figure out what I am typing most of the time, it takes me a long time to type out a short message… My brother is 5 inches taller then me and looks like Mr Clean, NOT a small man, and my hands are a lot wider then his… lol