I have a 2008 Honda Accord 4cyl with 130K miles on on it. It has been very reliable. Lately it has been make a strange SLIGHT revving sound right when I accelerate from a stop. It seems like it only happens right before the automatic transmission goes from first gear to 2nd gear. The tachometer does not jump when it does that. The transmission fluid level is fine. I know nothing about cars but I have a friend who does but he is not sure what this might be and how he might fix it. His first though was to just change the transmission fluid. Is there anything else we can try before I take it to a pro?
That’s what I would suggest.
Totally agree with changing the fluid, if it’s not been done recently.
Otherwise… the best way to fix this is to take it to a transmission shop.
All I would do is change the AT fluid. I had a 2005 Accord V6 with AT. I imagine that your 5-speed AT is similar to the one I had in my V6. Honda advised to drain and refill three times when changing the fluid. Drive around the block between each drain and fill cycle. There is always fluid left in the transmission when you drain it. Doing it three times gets most of it out that the remaining old fluid is diluted enough to be no problem.
And make sure you use Honda-spec fluid, not some ‘universal’ fluid. I would even go to the expense of having it done at a dealership to make sure the correct fluid is used.
Thanks everyone!!! That’s what we’re going to try first. Since it sounds like we should drain and refill 3 times, do you think I can get away with the cheaper universal stuff first and then use the genuine for my last fill? How much transmission fluid should I buy for 3 fillups?
Your owners manual should have the capacity listed.
+1 to Mustangman
Honda transmissions are very easily damaged by using the wrong type of fluid.
Using any fluid other than one that complies with Honda’s fluid specifications will result in trans problems more severe–and potentially a lot more expensive to repair–than the current trans problems.
Thanks AGAIN! Can I trust Valvoline Oil change guys to do this right? Do they have special equipment to do the flushing so they don’t have to fill, drive, fill, drive and fill?
I wouldn’t, you’re having symptoms of potential transmission damage, I’d spend the money on dealer fluid change for the best chance of avoiding damage.
I won’t let quickie lube places wash my windows, let alone touch my engine oil or transmission fluid. Too many horror stories.
Would a dealer flush it 3 times and drive it around between each like people are recommending here, or do they have special equipment that avoids having to do that? Is there a filter to be changed on this?
The dealer will use a flush machine to change the fluid.
The filter should also be relaced.
When I suggested drain and fill 3 times I thought that you were doing it yourself. Honda originally recommended that method because not all flush machines were low pressure. A Honda dealer will have the proper equipment and you don’t have to tell them how to do it. I also wouldn’t trust a quick lube place to do your AT fluid exchange. They may tell you that they are using Honda fluid but I wouldn’t trust them to do so. Some indie shops use Honda AT fluid. The shop we use does it correctly.
Thanks! I am leaning toward taking it to a dealer, but, to be honest, I don’t think I have ever taken one of my cars to a deal when it wasn’t a warranty issue (and I’m 65 and have owned at least 10 cars over that lifetime!). I usually take my more complicated problems to my trusted mechanic because I hear dealers have a tendency to overcharge and/or find things that aren’t wrong. Do you think a dealer is a better place for this issue?
If you’re not comfortable with the dealership, take the car to an INDEPENDENT trans shop.
Friends & neighbors may be able to recommend a shop. Whatever you do, do NOT take it to a chain joint like AAMCO, Lee Myles, Cottman, or Mr Transmission.
I have a trusted mechanic who has done good work for me for 20 years but he is a jack of all trades. I think he does transmissions. Would you recommend that I take to an independent specializing in transmissions instead? I’ve never had a transmission done. Not sure I know any friends or family that have had them done. Trying to decide between trusted mechanic and independent transmission specialist that might have good Google reviews. Thoughts?
If the mechanic you’ve been bring your car to all these years has the proper equipment. I don’t see a problem with letting them do the service.
IMO a transmission shop is a place you use when there is a problem with the AT that you want diagnosed. Your usual mechanic can do the job with proper equipment or do the 3 drain and fill cycle I mentioned earlier. Ask him how he would refresh the AT fluid in you car and what fluid he would use. If you don’t like the answer he gives you based in what we’ve said above, then go to the dealer. If the dealer recommends other service ask for it in writing and also ask how they know the work needs to be done. They might try to upsell you and it’s easy to say no and that you will think about it.
Thanks again for EVERYONE’s help. You guys are the best!!!