Is it ok to drive with two feet?

I see the random brake lights flash, thinking a 2 footed driver.


Can you drive with two feet? Sure. Should you? I wouldn’t learn that way, one-foot reduces confusion for a new driver. Drive a year with one foot, then see.

 or somebody who is extremely insecure behind the wheel.
The Nissan Versa that was blocking me and about a dozen other drivers last week was being driven about 10 mph under the speed limit to begin with. Then, the driver would brake just before every gentle bend in the road, and even on other occasions when the road was perfectly straight.

I have even seen slowpoke drivers braking on uphill stretches of road. These people are probably the types who are absolutely terrified when they are behind the wheel, and they act out their unnatural fears by hitting the brake when it is absolutely not called for.


Or intoxicated.

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had an employee at work that drove with two feet. I tried to coach him on using one foot, as some of our trucks are standards, and he may have to drive one of those one day. He wouldn’t do it. Refused to listen, and said that his was was safest and best.

Then I followed him around one day with a video camera, and in the 5 miles of driving, his brake lights never went off. even on the interstate.
He was wearing through brake pads, brake light bulbs, and no one behind him could ever be sure of when he was actually slowing down.
He got better about not riding the brake, but the brake pads on my trucks sure do last a lot longer with him gone now


I can assure you that I had no trouble going from a manual trans in my vw to an automatic and back again. It’s just called driving. I have no trouble with the lawn mower either or any other piece of equipment I have used. This is just a silly argument. Disabling a foot to avoid riding the brake deals with the wrong issue.

Good for you. This gentleman couldn’t do this without riding the brake and I proved it to him. You are obviously a better driver than he was.

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I learned to drive with a manual trans and was a few years later when I got into the first automatic I had to get someone to show me how to drive it and for a quite a while every time I had to stop at a red light I would take it out of gear before I learned I was not going to hurt the transmission.

The only two times my left foot ever touched the brake. First time, engine mount broke, engine twisted cause the throttle linkage to go to wide open, had both feet on the brake until I got to a place to switch off the engine.
The only other time, at the starting line of the local drag strip, left foot on the brake, right foot bringing in the RPMs up above idle as the starting lights went to green.

Riding with my brother, saw he was braking with his left foot. Stated he was taught that in drivers Ed, I said nothing, he had drivers Ed in the late 50s, our family car he practiced with was a stick with three on the tree and our pickup was a 47 Chevy. At one time he owned an Austin Healy 3000, again a manual transmission. Where and when he started left foot braking I don’t know.

Hardly applies to the question. No cars when women were not allowed to act, therefore female parts in Shakespeare plays were performed by men. Elizabeth the First road in a carriage, she did not drive a Land Rover.


It’s either throttle or brake, never both. Right foot throttle, brake the same.

To improve reaction time, expect other drivers to make mistakes. During times of risk, take your right foot off the throttle and “cover” the brake. When danger is past, throttle again. Right foot always, throttle or brake.

I personally would not recommend using both feet for new drivers. in a panic situation they may use both feet to the floor at the same time.


Nonsense , there some of us that can left foot brake just fine and have been for years . For some people left foot braking would not be wise . There is no one size fits all .


Agree you need to to do what works best for you.

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This is starting to look like a “what oil is best” thread. It should have been left dead, nothing new has come out of the last 5 days.


During the last 5 days 17 people replied, were they out-of-line? You replied twice.

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I tried not to but just couldn’t help myself.

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Never said anyone was out of line just that nothing new has been added, just more of the same opinions but by different people. And your right about my replying 2x, I shouldn’t have fed this dead horse at all.

I put handicap hand controls on my car so I can use 2 hands and 2 feet.


Proof enough it’s a matter of safety, not personal preference.

What people discuss, or for how long, is not mine to arbitrate. If I have no interest in a thread, I can find something else to do.