In general, is it worth trying to maintain a vehicle that has more than 100,000 miles or are you better off with a newer car?

Then you are content. So why address me, when my advice and tips on buying a new car is not addressing you? It is for those who opt differently than you.

And, a new car–which I will buy for good old American cash, just like all of my others–is on my radar screen for sometime over the next 10-12 months.
Will I need a new car?
Almost surely… not
However, I intend to reward myself with a new car.

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When and if you do decide to buy that new car, my tips and advice will help you plenty. It will certainly prevent you from becoming a high profit victim of the salesperson. And it is your option on that which I am mainly addressing. The ones who want to keep their perfectly running 10 year or so old car. Their reasons are fine. And I have no squabble with them on that; so my tips and advice is not for them.

According to your new car buying time frame, you will be in the buying year 2021. My first advice (which was given in my new car buying advice and guide) is to wait the first week in July 2021 and buy a 2022. By doing so, you may be buying that model for les than a2021 model. The How-to particulars are discussed in my very first or so post (you will have to roll way back to it) that I gave in buying a new car at rock bottom prices. If you follow that guide, you will be delighted and informed on how to actually beat the dealer on new car price haggling; a rarity but can be done efficiently with the properly armed know-how.

When you buy that new car and experience how it is done to save a ton on the msrp, you may want to chime back to me for my advice on saving premium car insurance on the new and old car (if you are still keeping an old car).

Your argument has changed so many times it’s difficult to keep track. You say you’re only addressing new car owners, but yet you argued against me and others about the cost of keeping an older car running.

Then you changed your argument again with buying a new car and keeping an older car that it would be cheaper.

And that whole dribble about insurance on 2 cars (1 new and 1 older) being cheaper then insurance on an older car is just plain foolish.


This advice is the opposite of just about every other site’s advice I have read. New cars have higher demand than year old cars. Why would the dealer sell them for less?

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There will be few if any 2022 model year vehicles available in July, the normal model year production change occurs in the last week of August. Normally the only time a model year vehicle is released early is when there is a design change/new generation or the introduction of a new vehicle line. Your buying guide is flawed.

Just to reiterate, new car for wife for dependable vehicle for road trips, Now I have the new car, 2017 rav 4, she has a gmc 2017 limited now, bought used, we are fine with this, there is no one answer solution for everybody. Quit picking on @Rick-Woodbury, it is beneath your dignaty.

I see what your problem is (besides being weak in comprehension). You are stuck on the idea of just owning and keeping that 10 year or so perfectly running car. I don’t want to call you a liar, but at no time did I argue with you on keeping the old car. If you can find such a post or posts…I will apologize. If you recall our discussion honestly, it started out with me offering my opinion to the OP (long since gone as stated by another). I gave my opinion, and also added that the new car and insurance on it does not have to be an expensive addition. whereupon I issued some savvy buying tips for those who may want to opt to buy that new car. Then sometime later you chimed in (I don’t really know why) talking about why you would opt to keep the perfectly good running. No argument from me on that…because I said that is your opinion on why you would opt to keep the old car. So, my address was concerning those who may opt to buy that new car; and I continued to give advice and tips on buying that new car and perhaps car insurance to save money. That’s when you should have bowed out…because I was only concerned with those ones opting to buy a new car and save money doing it. YOU were the insistent one to carry and argue on something that I let you have your opinion on. You even argued on whether or not the things I gave advice on was true or not. I mean, how ridiculous is that? Your opinion has long since come and gone when I allowed for it. I am now trying to aid those whose opinion is to opt out for the new car. Is all this becoming clearer to you now?

That is certainly not true. New year-in-advance cars are coming in earlier and earlier than ever before. And some American made cars come in even earlier than July. I bought my new year-in-advance car (2015 Sonata SE) in July 2014. As I was shopping, most of the year-in-advance models were either coming out then or no later than the next week. Your statement may apply many years ago, but it is no longer the case now. You can easily find out. Go out and peruse the new car places.

It’s dignity unless intentionally misspelled. You need not defend me. I am use to naysayers. That’s why I have to take some of them by the hand and show them how getting the best deal in prices on what is wanted to buy; i.e., show them that it is not conjecture. And no, it is not about beating my chest. It is about helping others save money.

I did, the local Hyundai dealer does not have any 2021 model year vehicles, did you check your local dealer?

BTW I have been working for new car dealers for 30 years, I know when model year change occurs.

The was an early release because of a design change, seventh generation Sonata.

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Did you read my very first or so post? Therein lies the answer and why. You are getting information from the wrong sites. Don’t tell me that these so-called helpful sites are telling you that the best new car deals can be had at the year end clear-out sales?
Any lazy fool can get a decent discount at a end of year clear-out. It is the savvy ones that do it the way I suggested. Try magazine reports on buying new cars the smart way or check internet sites that say smart ways to buy a new car…sooner or later you will see a lot of things that I have advised in my earlier posts. Try to find my earlier posts on buying new cars smartly Then compare notes from these helpful sites…that apparently you have yet to visit.

Note: These sites on getting best deal on a new car, are not too plentiful now…I think it is because the car dealers complained that it was interfering with their profits. However, I may be able to find some more efficiently than you…because I have experience in feeding and looking for them. If you would like, I can find one for you that is really informative on new car buying…and give you that link?

You went out and checked that quick did you…hmm. Where (location and name of dealership) did you check?

Dealer inventory is available online.

Today we have 4 new arrivals in the pre-delivery inspection department, all 2020 model year vehicles.

I guess you have never heard of dealers having web sites that list the vehicles they have .


Here are makes with no 2021 models available within 100 miles of me: Acura, Audi, Buick, Cadillac, Chrysler, Hyundai, Infiniti, Jeep, Mazda, Nissan, Porsche, and Subaru, according to Autotrader.

Edit - and I bet those with 2021s available have only certain models, not the complete lineups in many cases.

Edit2 - I checked a few: Only 1 BMW model, 2 Honda models, and 1 Toyota model. Next to nothing, really…

How to piss off the last person defending you, so now I mis spell a wurd and tu ar jacking on me? And you say I am use to naysayers, should be used to naysayers.


I have done that. But sometimes I have visited dealerships in which the car is not listed on the website.

I stand corrected. You are right. I called the same dealership that I had bought my 2015 Sonata SE, and was told that the 21’s would not be in at the dealership until around mid-August 2020. According to what you are saying, those other model cars that I have purchased in early july must have been intro-models also. Thanks…and duly noted.

My advice still stands on buying a new car. Instead of the wait to July (and they haven’t arrived yet), just buy that new-year-in-advance car in late August or whenever they come out. It is still the better way and more price saving way to go…if done right.

Dear Rick,

You still keep making some over-generalized statements bordering fairy tales…

Let me give you something to think about:

Select some style and you will get your annual depreciation with breakdown for the first 5 years of ownership plus other relevant numbers.

Here is a snapshot for the 2020 Sonata SEL Plus:

Now, tell me HOW you expect to materialize your “savings” jumping between cars often if your first year of ownership takes a triple depreciation of years 2 and further?

Also, buyers typically don’t give a damn about maintenance above recommended one, so that part of your story also does not check out.